Cecil was in a conflict here. He didn’t know if he was going to end up having to kill people even with Ethan present or if he was going to have to hope that he wouldn’t get too aggressive and accidentally kill someone. To have so much strength that went out of control for unexplained reasons made every engagement risky, he could only hope he would be under proper control while he tackled this situation and allowed them to win overall. With Ethan coming up onto the roof himself he waited for him to get ready, staring at him for a moment before raising a fist and waiting for just a moment. Everyone else had to get into their places before he charged right in, he couldn’t be reckless again. Looking to Ethan quickly before down towards the entrance he kept his fist in the air, feeling anxious he gasped when instead of Nymira tearing the door through he heard a mashing sound. He didn’t know if that was the signal to go, he thought maybe something else had happened and as a result he hesitated. Looking around in confusion for a moment he soon gasped as Ethan told him to go, looking around quickly before simply throwing his fist down. The ceiling didn’t stand a chance against the force of his punch and ripped open as if it was paper. Not quite knowing if it was safe to go through he waited for Ethan to drop down, taking out a man before he soon dropped down himself with a very loud bang but just as he did he was surprised by the sudden appearance of armed men. While Ethan did have an idea on how to combat the men, his attempt to intimidate definitely didn’t pay off. Cecil was startled, he didn’t know how to combat these men without the possibility of killing them. Nymira was right in there but if he did what she was doing he would probably end up obliterating them instead of simply putting a stop to their attack. There was no water for him to electrocute them without killing them and if he got too close he would probably end up getting cut up like he had been before. He was scared and right now that wasn’t going to help any of them seeing how Ethan was being attacked now and he was just being treated as a dumb child and ignored for the most part. Raising his fist to help Ethan he gasped as they were ambushed by more men, his conflict arising from being unable to make a decision to help his friend over preventing everyone from coming under attack. He had to stop thinking so heavily on these things, he had to just go for it and hope for the best and that he was going to make the right decision. Suddenly yelling, he ran to the pair and simply stomped his foot down on the leg of the man, snapping the bone with a very audible crack. He didn’t even know organic legs could make such a noise, but either way he had given Ethan a very clear advantage in the struggle now that the man was in a lot of pain. Feeling somewhat exhilarated by the man’s pain and suffering that he managed to inflict so easily he gasped when he had turned to see Wyth had pounced onto a man right beside him. While he wasn’t too surprised at Wyth attacking the people he was more startled by the number of bodies on the floor now. Maybe that was a call to get going now and get through that door, he needed to find Amuné and get out of here. Looking to Ethan quickly he soon made a dash off towards the door, not giving much of a second thought to his plan to simply ram his way through the building. If he was going to get to Amuné he was going to have to tear through the building to get to her as fast as possible so they could get out of this place. He would probably get blamed for what Wyth did, his luck usually worked out like that. Swinging his fist back he soon threw it around at the door, his gauntlet extending out on the chain which obliterated the doorway itself and the wall surrounding it. He was not going to hold back, but hopefully he wasn’t going to end up hurting anyone he didn’t mean to in the first place. “Amuné??” he called out before swinging his other gauntlet around, trying to clear a path without going too crazy.