[b]Name:[/b] No [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Dragon [b]Class:[/b] Barbarian [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] Post ends behind the bar counter with Jezebel [b]Tagging:[/b] Open, [@Fetzen][@Vec][@Halvtand] [b]Mentioned:[/b] [@Cyrania][@JackalopeLove][@Ayemdar] No glanced back at the gargoyle who denied having taken his wallet. The two thieves didn’t seem interested in his ordeal and he hadn’t seen them take it from him. He knew thieves were good but he doubted the ones before him were [i]that[/i] good. A card magician came out of nowhere, wanting to add more chaos and banter that was already swirling around the guild table. The noise was frustrating him for he was desperately trying to concentrate in order to think about where he had lost it. A knight came before him, having seen his distress and attempted to comfort him. [b]Calm down, man, you are making a spectacle of yourself!...Settle yourself, please, I have yet to face a crook so hell-bent on death as to even think of robbing someone who carries around enough metal to supply a smith for a year. Call on your memory and you will surely find your money left beside the bed in which you spent the night.[/b] No listened to the knight’s words of wisdom, and checking his room hadn’t seemed like a bad idea. [b]Do you really think that whoever stole it – if it was even stolen and you’re not forgetting where you put it – would reveal themselves? [i]Oh yeah! I did it![/i][/b] No briefly glared over at Kai before he told the knight on a grumble, “I’ll go check my chambers.” The barbarian glanced over to his great sword, grasped its handle, and raised it to lock it into the harness at his back. He left the rowdiness that surrounded the table and stared up the stairs, starting to feel a little silly for having gotten so riled up. His coin purse could easily still be in the room and perhaps even next to the bed as Seth declared. When No fished the iron key out of his pouch, he unlocked the door and stepped in the bedroom that was stale and musky with several smells that most would find unpleasant. His golden eyes roamed the room. The scattered sheets, the bear fur covers spilling over the side, the bottles of alcohol all over the floor. Hell, there was even a keg. No blushed a little and ran a hand back through his hair. He had drank a lot. Stepping further into the room, he saw a large blood spot on the bed with shattered glass around it. The dragon’s hand went to the spot of dried blood on his forehead where Gwendolyn had healed him. Rubbing the spot, while his mind was deep in recollection, he was gradually starting to remember last night. He heard the smash of a bottle echo through his conscience, and then the world spun and his vision sank into darkness. Smashed bottle…the tavern whore… His nose wrinkled like the snout of an enraged beast. No grasped the feather-stuffed mattress and flipped it. Feathers scattered about the room. There was a chamber pot beneath the bed, but there was nothing else. Not even the chime of coin had struck the floor. He walked over to the night stand and pulled out the drawers to find them bare. Of course they would be, for he hadn’t used them. He had removed his gear right on the floor. It had to have been the whore! The dragon snarled and stormed out of his room, stomping the mattress on the way out. “YOU THIEVING WITCHES! YOU DARE STEAL FROM A DRAGON?” Jezebel, who was cooking in the back, sauntered out of the kitchen with a ladle in her hand. She was making a thick breakfast rabbit stew with some hard-boiled eggs thrown in. The guild had gathered early, but she knew the regular crowd would be in soon. The blonde bombshell stepped behind the counter with a hand upon her hip, wearing her wench’s gown that did a mild job hiding the bounty of her bosom. She watched the barbarian ominously descend the stairwell—his eyes were glowing a little or her eyes were playing tricks on her. “What ye roarin’ about? Ye gave Boo-Boo a good time last night, I ‘eard. She could barely walk outta ‘ere. Were ye not satisfied?” Jezebel asked. No didn’t even stop and Jezebel’s blue eyes shined with fear when his large hand was suddenly about her thin and delicate throat. He bent the waitress back over the counter. She attempted to swing the ladle damp with soup at him before he snagged her wrist and pinned her arm against the countertop. Knowing that it was hopeless to try and escape the barbarian’s clutches, Jezebel hung her head over the counter. Her golden locks tumbled like a curtain as her eyelids hung with little amusement. “Don’t **** with me, witch!” No growled. “I know she stole my gold!” “Yeh? What proof ye got?” she asked. A sadistic grin cracked on No’s face as he leaned over her and enlightened her about himself: “You know, girl…I used to be a very…very ferocious creature. I killed your heroes, I killed your legends, and I killed your gods. Do you want to know what I did to thieves who stole from my lair?” The dragon answered his own question by gripping her throat. The sudden vice-like pressure, closing off her pipes caused Jezebel to gasp and panic. She kicked and squirmed, trying to wrench her arm free of his grip. No’s eyes were a sanguine-red as he watched her struggle and gasp. This moment took him back. It took him back to the power he once had before he was reduced to his human shell. No one dare try to make a full of him, insult him, and live to commit such offenses. “Slowly…” No told her. “I can make you suffer like this for a long time. So you better tell me. Did she steal my gold, and how are you going to pay me back?” Tears welled in Jezebel’s eyes as she hopelessly clawed at his muscled arm that felt like solid-rock. “A-A (gasp) AYE!” she cried.