[@Hostile] right, I think I'm done finally. Do tell if there are problems so i can run to the nearest bomb shelter. I'll expand more on that sect of knights later. [hider=Senna, The Boreal Knight] [center] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/557/sample_d5e3998572de977a952916871d174d006fb5a39c.jpg?559731[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=#ff9933]"If you screw this up, I'm going to mount your head on the end of my sword."[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Senna Aurelius Constance Just 'Sen' will do. [b]Titles:[/b] The Boreal Knight [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human/Living Armor [b]Occupation:[/b] Knight [b]Affiliation:[/b] Knights of Hiemal, Edegord [hider=Knights of Hiemal] The Knights of Hiemal, are a chivalric sect based in the Edegord region, a place well known for its rumors regarding dark magic. All rumors, are of course, based in some fact. None more so than the mysterious and reclusive Knights of Hiemal. Situated far to the North in Edegard, they are a group of highly religious Knightly scholars and mages that borders on Zealotry to their god, the 'Prophet of Ash'. Typically, they wear silver or black armor, and are trained with both a variety of weapons, and typically dark-aligned magic of some sort. No form of inquiry into magic is too dangerous to pursue. Knowledge, is the highest form of power in the world after all. Despite their Zealotry, they are knights and most keep to a strict code of discipline, training, study, and honor, and quite often a love of fighting and showing off their martial prowess. To show weakness of any sort, would be an infraction on their code of honor. Their main keep, is located far to the North in Edegard, in a frigid land surrounded by ice and snow. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a tall five foot eight Senna is fairly tall for a woman. She has larger frame, and constantly wears a black and gold armor. The armor itself is made out of a durable plate metal, designed to be some of the best defense money and magic can buy. It offers good mobility without sacrificing defense. A gold cape is worn on her shoulders, and at her side rests a large, heavy two handed sword. That's all most people ever see of her, as she doesn't remove her armor in most situations. [hider=Without Armor][img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1495/sample_4e7b0a5443212bf7f4e2dc58b996400d24b8a6e4.jpg?1565030[/img][/hider] Her most striking feature, would be her gold, harvest moon colored eyes that shine with a somewhat otherworldly light, especially in low light conditions. Not exactly an eye color most people tend to have. Her face has pale skin, with gentle curves and a complexion that one wouldn't expect of a swordsman of her strength. She has obvious toned muscles with long, black hair falls to her shoulders. Often times, she wears a rather an irritable frown or other hostile expression. Why does she not take off the armor? Simple, she is physically incapable of doing so. She may remove the helmet for a short time, but for the most part the armor is unable to be removed through normal means. [b]Personality:[/b] Senna is, well, in a few words - brash, reckless, cynical, and loves fighting. In fact, so much so she can even get carried away sometimes. This all stems from one rather nasty personality trait of hers - she is an incredibly angry little human. Where the aggression comes from, no one knows. Point is, if she gets royally pissed, angry, or excited at the prospect of fighting something or someone, she's gonna be difficult to stop. Once she gets going, it's almost impossible for her to stop until she's exhausted or she's bashed whatever she's fighting skull in. Despite her anger issues though, she's pleasant enough as long as you don't piss her off. She loves drinking, partying, and having a pretty good time. Snarky, sarcastic, she likes making fun of people, though she doesn't intentionally mean harm. Its all just fun banter to her, really, and if someone gets pissed then they just need to go take a seat and re-evaluate their life. She's surprisingly quick to forgive and forget, and would be the first to make amends with an enemy after all that initial aggression wears off. A bit of a flirt, too, at times. Especially if she's been drinking. Of course, this doesn't encompass the entirety of her personality. As a Knight of Hiemal, she has been trained as a knight and to work with her brother and sisters in arms. While she does have a rather bad temperament and she didn't particularly take interest in their scholarly pursuits, she was one of the best swordsmen in the order, and was quickly able to distinguish herself. Discipline, Loyalty, and above all [i]order[/i]. Those that are her allies, can always trust her to do her best and even protect them at the expense of harm to herself. She has a large sense of order, loyalty, and will always execute orders she has been given to the best of her ability. Expect harsh insults for them being stupid enough to need her help in the first place, though. [b]History:[/b] Originally, Senna hails from Acadoria, a small town on the coast contrary to what her affiliation might suggest. She lived there on a small farm with her mother, father, and her friend, an Elf that had run away from home for whatever reason that they had decided to take in. Until she was around ten, things were about as normal as the farm life could be. She played with the animals, and had a fairly normal life, aside from the occasional training her father gave her in swordsmanship. Apparently he was some sort of old knight from Edegord, at least that is what he told her. It wasn't a big deal, really, until an old 'acquaintance' of his showed up at their house. Senna isn't entirely sure what happened, but she ended up volunteering going back to Edegard with the man after thinly veiled threats towards him that his family wouldn't be entirely safe where they currently were, and it being a shame that his old friends in the knights wouldn't be able to help him. Of course, her parents tried to stop her but being the cheeky and somewhat crafty brat she was, she managed to leave anyways under the promise that her family would be safe. Fast forward a couple of years when she was sixteen, she had already proved to be quite skilled with the sword, and had already taken up her signature two-handed claymore. She moved up the ranks of the Knights pretty quickly, and often kept in touch with her parents via letter. Her life mostly consisted of training, killing beasts out in the frozen tundra, and keeping order in the lands surrounding the knights keep. When she was twenty, she was old enough to finally do what they had initially wanted from her. Someone to test the Knights latest 'weapon'. She of course, volunteered for it and wore the armor willingly. The 'Boreal Armor'. For the most part, she has been given leave to do what she wishes, and uphold the values of the knights and ensure there is order across the land. [hider=Weapons and Equipment:] [url=http://www.paperspencils.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Maxsweapon.jpg]Witherbrand, Glacial Claymore:[/url] This large, two handed sword was said to have been forged out of ice that never melted, and tempered by dark magic by the founders of the Hiemal Knights. It is incredibly frigid to the touch, to the point where most humans would receive severe frostbite if they touch it unprotected. The sword is about as tall as a man is, its long and slender blade elegantly and beautifully designed. If broken, the blade can reform itself with ease simply by cooling the air around it and reforging the blade itself, almost as if its alive. A dark, murky substance can be seen lingering in the core of the blade, suggesting taint by dark magics. Usually, it is kept hidden under her cloak on her back. If it strikes a human, they will feel as though their very soul is being frozen by the blade. [b]Boreal Armor:[/b] The black and gold armor she wears signifies her status as one of the highest ranking Knights within the Hiemall order. It was forged out of one the strongest metals made in Ceas, and tempered with the sects dark magics, giving it some rather unique properties. Wearing it has the unfortunate side effect of the wearer being unable to remove it, but why would they remove something that gives them such great benefits, really? Forcibly removing it might have some unintended side effects, as the armor has basically fused with the wearer's 'soul' at this point. - Resistance to low and high temperatures, extreme durability, physical enhancements to the wearer and an access point to help one channel magic. It is frigid to the touch and often can cool down a room a few degrees simply from being in it. If damaged, the armor seems to repair itself with time, with some otherworldly seeming magic similar to Witherbrand. [/hider] [hider=Skills and Abilities:] [i]Master Swordsman:[/i] As a knight, she has trained for years with various blades, before deciding a large two handed claymore suited her best. She is quite gifted with its usage, and despite the blades somewhat cumbersome weight, still maintains fairly decent mobility with it, but isn't going to be ninja flipping anytime soon. [i]Peak physical ability:[/i] She's about as strong as possible for a human to be, and while not as strong as some of the more inhuman races out there she's got a fairly good bit of muscle on her and would give most people a run for their money. While she could possibly be a bit more agile, she's fairly mobile things to the physical enhancements the armor gives her. [/hider] [hider=Magical Spells:] [i]Void Magic:[/i] A branch of dark magic practiced by the Knights of Hiemal that combines the frigid chill of ice and the dark of shadows. While her skill in this is currently limited to a few spells, it does give her a bit of range other than with her sword. She doesn't make much use of it, but if one is unprepared for the magic then it could be quite the surprise. Wants to get better at using them, though. Current spells: [b]Void Spike:[/b] A pillar of a cold, dark substance springs from the ground, threatening to impale the target with it. Has a range of around 10 or so meters. [/hider] [b]Quotes:[/b] [color=#ff9933]"You guys are fucking idiots, you know that?"[/color] [color=#ff9933]"Buy me a drink, and I'll be your new best friend for the evening."[/color] Theme: Might add later. [/hider]