She was on her way… she was on her way!!! Kenton was in a near panic as he paced back and forth in his home. Did it look okay? Did he do this right? Did it look ‘inviting’ and ‘friendly’ enough for a friend? Did he dress properly? Did he clean up well? Oh god did he smell? His panic led him to sprint to the mirror in the nearby half bath and stare at his reflection. “You’re overthinking this Kenton… it’s just movies and snacks with a friend… a friend… a girl… who is a friend… your first friend…” He let out a long sigh and turned on the sink, throwing some cold water into his face to help him relax. Why was he overthinking this… Pulling his face from the water, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. She didn’t think he was a freak, she didn’t dislike him for having different color eyes and she didn’t think he was cursed or scary because of different color eyes and now she was going to come over and hang out with him. Not out of pity, not out of a dare or anything of the sort. Instead she was coming over because she enjoyed his company and even that was hard believe! Wiping off his face with the towel he hung it back up on the rack and jerked his head back. Was that a knock? Was she here?! Dashing from the bathroom he nearly ran into the front door due to excitement. Letting out a gentle sigh he pulled open the door with a wide smile. “Hi!” Upon hearing her say she was excited he gave a nod. “Me too! Snacks, drinks, blankets and pillows are already set up. And the lights are off for the perfect amount of scares.” It’s funny that he found someone he could consider a kindred spirit of sorts. They were both oddballs, outcasts and yet they got along greatly. “Come on in.” Holding the door open for her, he stepped aside allowing her to come in. Letting out a soft sigh feeling like the stress of waiting was finally over, he shut the door and gestured towards the pile of shoes, mainly his father’s work boots, Astuma’s boots and Rayne’s converse; Kenton always took his shoes to his room out of habit. Leading her into the living room he turned on the light, “Ta-da!” He said excitedly turning to her with a bright smile. “Does this look movie ready? Or what?”