Name:Reavus Level:1 Race:Werewolf Class:Warrior Day/time:day 1/morning Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak Tagged:[@Holy Soldier] Mentioned:[@Bright_Ops][@Vec][@JackalopeLove][@Halvtand] [@Ayemdar][@Fetzen][@Cyrania] Reavus finished the pie in time to see the large man come out of the kitchen wearing a pink apron, and although his pie eating had distracted him from knowing what happen. He only needed to see this to know that the man had pissed off someone.[color=fff200]"hey at least most of its yours"[/color] Reavus said laughing. He then turned to the table to see that most people had become entertained by the magician or were talking amongst themselves. Then the theif looking girl at the table asked if we could start cause time is money [color=fff200]"im ready when you guys are"[/color]