Heidi was sitting at her desk at the edge of the classroom. In front of her was her notebook, it's contents a detailed itinerary of the next seven days, from her morning workout and laps around the building, to breakfast (the exact minutes she started and finished carefully calculated), and all of her classes. She had chosen to do drama this year because she was beginning to bore of the math-based subjects she had recently acquired Doctorates in. In truth, she found Drama painfully easy. All of her assignments were done in one sitting whenever she wanted to unwind with a good book, and she mainly just used the class time for other things, like planning her week out, designing her next robotics-based project, or sometimes just relaxing. However, as she was just starting to get into a nice lull, her brain registered that her teacher was about to punish a fellow in-class relaxer. This made her aware of her position and she tried to make it look like she was paying as much attention as she actually was. Appearances were important, after all. There was a new kid being introduced. She looked at him long enough to remember his face and link it with the name 'Peter', and then carried on daydreaming. Another person not to talk to...