[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/O5EPeGf.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/d3mAdrK.png[/img] [h3][color=d84646]Location:[/color][color=mediumvioletred] Outside the Camp with Bahji[/color] [color=d84646]||[/color] [color=d84646]Mood:[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]Ecstactic[/color] [color=d84646]||[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]Making conversation[/color][/h3] [i]Mentions: Bahji [@Black Panther][/i] [/center] Ophelia dropped her buckets and they clanked down beside her. She ran over to Bahji and threw her arms around his neck in a great bearhug - which looked a little silly, considering how tiny she was. She fell backwards a little and her feet returned to the floor as she looked up at him with a big grin. [color=mediumvioletred]"I'd know Iki's voice anywhere."[/color] she said as he nuzzled into her, and she threw her arms around his fur with a giggle, feeling his fluff through her fingertips. [color=yellow]"Opella how are you? it feels like its been so long since we last saw each other"[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]"It really has. I was still a kid when we last met, but I won't be tommorrow."[/color] she beamed at him then, finding the fluttering in her chest more exciting then scary. She looked over to see his bags were full from his last hunt. [color=yellow]"Are you excited for your ceremony?"[/color] [color=mediumvioletred]"Yes yes yes!"[/color] she gushed, [color=mediumvioletred]"I'm a little intimidated, Roamwyn coming of age ceremonies aren't as intense as the Clan Gathering ones - honestly our ones can be pretty lowkey. But I'm so exicted!! Will you come, tommorrow?"[/color] she asked hopefully, her eyes drifting back to his gear. [color=mediumvioletred]"I see you've brought back quite a catch! You've gotten so good at hunting."[/color] Ophelia commented, seeing that Prince was the same as always - distant and aloof. [color=mediumvioletred]"Can I feed him some meat? Oh! Wait! Did you get me a present?"[/color] Howling in the distance told the pair they weren't alone, and Ophi glanced towards the horizon with a misty look in her eyes. The curse lands were dangerous, everyone knew that. They'd even moved the Clan Gathering slightly further away so as to avoid it's reach... but perhaps it wasn't enough. Being a Roamwyn - and a lover of tales - Ophi had heard the recent stories. Three clans had fallen to the curse now, each one further out. They said it was spreading. [center][hider=Skillset] [list][*][color=mediumvioletred]Memorable[/color][color=cccccc]Ophelia is very memorable. It is noticable when she is not there and she isn't easily forgotten. While this means she would be memorable if she committed a crime, it also means people will be aware if she is missing or lost.[/color][*][color=d84646]Entertainer[/color][color=cccccc] Ophi can pull out a variety of tricks in the name of entertainment. She is a jack of all trades and master of none in this department - she can spin a decent yarn, do a nice enough jig, do some basic slight of hand or sing a pretty ditty, but not well. Anything in the name of entertaining a guest or friend and bringing a smile to their lips.[/color][*][color=mediumvioletred]Reading and Writing[/color][color=cccccc] Ophi is one of the lucky few who knows how to write and read.[/color][/list] [list][*][color=d84646]Forest Walk[/color][color=cccccc] No bad events or harm can come to Ophelia when she is in the forests (dice based).[/color][*][color=mediumvioletred]Gone with the Wind[/color][color=cccccc] Ophelia is lightning quick which means she's great at dodging and getting in extra speedy attacks of low damage, but in particular she is great at running away from big scary monsters.[/color][*][color=d84646]Me and my Blowgun[/color] [color=cccccc]Ophelia is a dab hand with a blowgun or slingshot, she can fire quickly at short to midrange at a target.[/color][/list][/hider][/center]