[center][b]Kingdom of Jouran[/b][/center] [center]The National Review [/center] [b]Field Marshal Gustaw Von Kruger Oversees Exercises: [/b] The Jouranian National Army (JNA) has begun military exercises alongside the Imperial Tyro-Antari Army. It is expected that two infantry divisions, the First and Third, will begin mock exercises aimed at defending against an attack by a foreign aggressor. The exercise comes on the heels after King Rictus Von Wulfram has publicly decried Kavonian’s attempts at ‘saber rattling’ in recent days. ‘’ In hindsight, the aggressiveness displayed by our neighbors only justifies our recent efforts to re-arm, re-equip- and prepare the National Army for conflict. ‘’ [b]Labor Party Protests in Parliament: [/b] The Labor Party protested the government’s decision to remain silent on the unrest brewing in the Tyro-Antari Empire. Recently elected former General Richard Moraclev called recent civil suppression laws in the Empire as a ‘’ disgrace ‘’ and questioned why there was no resolution yet on the infamous Carlsburg Massacre. ‘’ This government is intent on remaining silent on all aspects of its relationship with the Tyro-Antari Empire from the death of its own civilians to ignoring the abuses of rights of ethnic minorities within our own former homeland. It was these protests in the past that allowed our own nation to peacefully form. ‘’ (Quickie post, sorry I've been away guys. Work has been insane.)