[quote=@HushedWhispers] [h3][b]Update;[/b] For some clarification, the next time skip will be the following day, which is a Saturday while the time skip after that will be on a school, Monday, preferably. :) Just to see how the drama absorbs within the school atmosphere.[/h3] [/quote] Hoboy, this is gonna be some sad stuff on my end considering JB isn't going to be in a good state. :lol Should be fun tho. :3 Will need to peep at [@lovely complex] and [@Dirty Pretty Lies] for how we gon do it. Shit might be money, but not necessarily the kind you throw around, ya feel me? [quote=@lovely complex] How to fix a broken bromance: nearly die [/quote] First we learned [i]How to Get Your Crush to Notice you 101[/i], now we are gonna learn [i]How to Fix a Bromance 101[/i], both taught by Professor LoCo