[@Mae] [center] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vaS5pbWd1ci5jb20vMlpWUkx2Wi5wbmcifQ.snQlDddxEFQ69faU-obOq0YzPFM?width=210&height=249[/img] [color=yellow]Location: Outside camp-camp Mood: happy-concerned[/color] [/center] [hr] Bahij nodded and smiled. [color=yellow]"of course I'll be there."[/color] his smile shrank somewhat. [color=yellow]"You will be fine I promise."[/color] he leaned down like he was telling a secret. [color=yellow]"To be honest...I was terrified for my ceremony"[/color] he then straightened. He was being serious that much was clear in his oddly blue eyes. Eyes that seem to hold any light that touch them. As if the soul contained within was trying to escape. He chuckled when she asked about a present. [color=yellow]"I did."[/color] he pulled a white fur from the layers. It was supple and he had clearly held on to it since winter. [color=yellow]"I figure this would be long enough for a cloak of you wished"[/color] he then paused. An odd look crossed his eyes when he heard the howl. For some reason he seemed to know what was happening from just the noise. The noise that was too close for comfort. Bahij lightly scooped her up and put her on Iki. The elk seemed nervous at how close the howl was. This nervousness cause Bahij to hold the lead tighter. [color=yellow]"Let's head to the group...the creature is guarding it's kill"[/color] the way he said it didn't quite seem like him either. He picked up the buckets and guided Iki to camp wordlessly. A small glimpse of his more serious side that resided in the calmness. [hr] [hider=Skills] [list][*][color=9999FF]Skinning animals[/color][*][color=797a9e]tanning of leather[/color][*][color=9999FF]Trading[/color][/list] [list][*][color=797a9e]Hunting[/color][*][color=9999FF] Surprise: gets the person off guard and strikes.[/color][*][color=797a9e]No honor: he fights to survive. As in if he can he will bite you in combat.[/color][/list] [/hider]