[quote=@Driving Park] ye [hider=Ayano (Room #5)] [hider=Appearance] [center][img]http://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=e5c2dc400ff79052ef1f47363cf2d738/48230af9d72a6059e04b4e492e34349b033bba33.jpg [/img] [i]"I honestly don't know why I'm still here. This is obviously just a stepping stone."[/i][/center][/hider] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Ayano Yukimura [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 34 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Ayano is a journalist and television anchor for the local news/weather station. It's not national news by any means, but it is a coveted position in her field with good pay and good hours, that she also loves doing. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] When not in professional mode for her job, Ayano's primary mode of communication is sass. It's both her way of letting loose and her natural state. She enjoys socializing, if only to a) network and b) be sassy. She can also be manipulative, and very effective at it too. If she wants something done, more often than not she can manipulate someone into doing it for her. Her favorite hobby when off work is dancing, mostly in urban styles but even in things like DDR. She always has her apartment well stocked with wine to drink when she gets home from work, she always wears chic apparel, and she enjoys gossip to the point where she reads "People" magazine legitimately. She is simultaneously the gossip girl and the elder, and she revels in it. She likes being important, but she also likes being left alone once in a while. [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] Ayano grew up to an average middle class family with no outstanding traits except the ability to produce attractive offspring. She holds degrees in both journalism and advertising, so she knows to sell herself well to say the least. Single and really not interested in mingling, she is much more focused on further developing her already career and reminding people that she could leave any day now for a bigger and better job somewhere far away. [b][u]Room Number:[/u][/b] 5 [/hider] [/quote] accepteddddddddddddddddddddd