Name: Jarrde Holder Age: 25 Race: Human Gender: Male [img][/img] Appearance: Jarrde is of a tall and slim, though not unmuscular build. Time in various prisons, rebel and imperial alike, has given his features a somewhat rugged and gaunt look. His brown hair is long and and generally unkempt. Equipment & Clothing: Jarrde carries a collection of vibroblades, as well as a very cherished Verpine shatter gun. He dresses himself in a basic, but comfortable set of flight fatigues. History: Jarrde Holder was once a junior officer of the Imperial navy. He had graduated from the academy with high marks regarding leadership and tactical proficiency. He was expected to be on the fast track, but alas, this was not the case. Jarrde's criminal career began rather nobly by aiding the escape of a few dozen Wookie slaves. This earned him his first prison sentence with the Empire. This didn't last long, however. By the pure chance of being in the right place at the right time, Jarrde had the good fortune to be liberated during a heroic prison-break when a Rebel strike force came to rescue some of their captured comrades. Rather than joining the cause, however, he stole one of their ships and made his way to the outer rim. Here on the fringe of the galaxy, he fell in with a band of pirates and smugglers and found a profitable career targeting imperial and rebel convoys alike. His military training served him well in this line of work, and he grew rich plundering weak merchant vessels and under protected military supply lines. He eventually fell in love and married the gang's captain, a pirate named Salina Ginn (Seen next to him in the provided image). Things were going well. But such is the way of life, the good times can never last. As they were attempt to seize a valuable cargo freighter, they fell into a trap set by Imperial forces. Most of the crew was captured, but Salina was killed in the preceding firefight. Only Jarrde and a couple of others managed to escape. Alone and desperate, he finally turned to the rebellion for help. But old grudges from past crimes lead to inevitable betrayal. Jarrde was quickly sold out to facilitate a prisoner exchange with the empire. At the end on the line and back in Imperial hands, this is where the story begins. Personality: Defiant, sarcastic, and somewhat arrogant, but not especially quick to anger. Becomes much more cold blooded, however, with the recent death of his wife. List of Crimes: Various flavors of treason against the empire, conspiracy, piracy, forgery, and dozens of confirmed counts of murder.