[center][color=0072bc][h3]Lilly Jatmoore[/h3][/color][/center] [b]"I-I-I'm fine. It's just stress. Make sure you're ready for the next attack."[/b] Lilly's reply to Durandal was a bit more curt than she had intended, but she had so much on her mind right now that phrasing things properly was not high on her list of priorities. She was thinking. What should she do? Where should she go? How was the next attack going to work out? What if things went wrong? At least she wasn't responsible with inventing the plan. That part was taken care of when Mr. Hunt arrived and started issuing orders. *** Once the briefing had been given, Lilly nodded and gathered the rest of her group. [b]"I understand. T-team, please come with me."[/b] When they had all gathered, Lilly waited for a break in the firing and sprinted across the street into an alley that separated two houses and ran parallel to the street [b]"P-Provided there are no objections, I think we should do the same thing as last time. We can follow this alley parallel to the main road and use it to get closer. Miss Durandal, we'll pause each time we reach a gap in the houses for you to fire your lance. Everyone else can stand guard or provide covering fire during this time."[/b] Lilly took a deep breath and steeled herself for more combat. Just one more. Just one more attack and everything should be fine. [b]"We'll have to cross a small street at some point, but I don't think there will be anyone defending it. ...Does everyone understand? A-alright. Let's go."[/b] *** By the time they had reached their first firing position, Snider and the rest of the Gallians had gotten the defenders' attention and were busy pouring on the fire. Lilly quickly poked her head around the corner to look onto the main street, noting the amount of machine gun fire both coming from and at the command post, as well as the fact that they had a clear shot at it from here. She waved Durandal over and pointed at the house it was located in. [b]"Do you think you can hit that house from here, Miss Durandal? I would like you to try."[/b] While the girl got ready to fire, Lilly yelled to the rest of the team, trying to be heard over the machine gun and cannon fire. [b]"Miss Sykora, guard the alley in case any imperials try to sneak up on us. Everyone else... COVERING FIRE!!!"[/b] With that, Lilly crouched beside Durandal and began firing her rifle at the windows of the house. Once the mortar lance went off, she quickly ducked back into cover, reloaded, and motioned for the rest of the team to continue moving. [b]"Keep moving! To the next alley!"[/b] *static* Come on, Come on, Come on. They needed to move faster, hit harder, and shoot quicker. Each time they fired presented the Imperials with a chance to figure out where they were attacking from, but they needed to help at every chance they could get, lest the Gallian defenders back at the intersection take more unnecessary casualties. Needless to say, Lilly was a little bit antsy. [@Evil Snowman][@CirusArvennicus][@Shyla Nesthorn] [center][color=0072bc][h3]PFC Snider[/h3][/color][/center] [b]"Alright, Corporal. We'll light 'em up for you."[/b] Whem the teams were dismissed, he climbed back to the tank's drivers seat. [b]"Everyone ready? Lets kick some ass!"[/b] Once everyone had begun to move, he piloted the tank around the corner and had them assist the other Gallians firing at the Imperial's command post. [b]"Neville, machine gun nest on the second floor. Put some shells through them! Fire!"[/b] *BOOM!* [@Zarkun] [center][color=ed1c24][h3]Lukas Glockner[/h3][/color][/center] [b]"It's all connected, start it up!"[/b] Lukas motioned with his hands for the trio of recovery vehicles to begin attempting to haul the Siegfried back to base. A super-heavy tank of it's size was not an easy thing to pull, hence why they had two extra vehicles on hand. The metal groaned and the chains scraped, but after a few attempts, the towing vehicles managed to get the tank moving and on it's way back to base. Lukas himself was about to return with it, when Major Mooringstar addressed him. [b]"Where do you think you're going, Lieutenant? I'm not done with you yet."[/b] After getting chewed out for a few minutes, Lukas was given new orders. He was to be assigned to an artillery observation team working in tandem with a battery under the command of squad 655. This was the kind of assignment he absolutely hated: dangerous, on foot, and far away from his beloved machinery. Lynette certainly knew how to get back at him without diminishing her unit's abilities. Apparently they were going to support the Imperial forces fighting in the city. This was going to suck...