[hider=tags][b]Name:[/b] Kerylun [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Gargoyle [b]Class:[/b] Archer [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak [b]Tagging:[/b] [@Halvtand] [@Cyrania] [b]Mentioned:[/b] [@Holy Soldier][/hider] Seth collected a skewed, but not unfriendly glance from Ker. What was all that fuzz about reciting verses ? The gargoyle didn't understand it. However he knew that this likely wasn't anything an educated man like Seth had to be worried about. The gargoyle lacked the cultural education to understand this properly. Of course, the grey creature didn't reveal this. With a noticeable degree of cheerlessness the one that constantly was considered a monster acknowledged the knight's denial of his request. Amber eyes followind Seth as he turned away and began his speech. The fact that, in the meantime, a whole deck of cards had been vaporized by a flamboyantly dressed, very slim man that called himself a 'Magician', had completely passed him. This lump or arrogance that was busy with his penalty was such an attention whore... The gargoyle would have enjoyed watching Keith's tricks, bristling with sheer agility and experience, much more. But he had missed everything. [color=aaaaaa]"I vote against myself being the leader, because everybody's darling will soon be everybody's idiot and I don't consider myself to be suitable for the job, for multiple reasons."[/color] He absolutely did not glance over to this new one-man cleaning squad the tavern had hired.