Elmera checked the laces on her boots and pulled her coat over her shoulders. Skyrim waters weren’t exactly famous for their tropical climate, she knew, so the Dunmer was sure to be fully equipped for the voyage. She clasped the sheath on her boot to secure her knife and then placed her sabre at her hip. She checked out of her room and made her way to the port. She pulled her hood up to protect her face from the cold. As far as what she was carrying went, she only had what Ashav told her to bring and a little bit of Sugar to help her along the way. The deck thumped under her boots, but she was reassured by how solidly built the vessel was. The crew seemed interesting, but she gave them their space and did what was asked of her. Most of her time was spent at the side of the ship, watching the waters roll around them. One of their companymen seemed pretty sick, a Khajiit who didn’t seem too thrilled to be on a ship. She didn’t care to ask why, but from the sounds of it, a lot of the others in their company had recently had a bad experience. Supposedly, they had cargo with magical equipment. She’d seen a few of the devices, but she wasn’t as well versed in the schools which enchanted them, save for the explosives, which she decided not to handle herself. They’d be better in the hands of somebody who couldn’t conjure destructive magic anyway. Finally, after a shockingly boring trip across the open water, there was a call to muster and board the ship’s dinghies. It looked like things were about to finally intensify around her, Elmera realized, looking to the ruins ahead as she climbed into the boat which she was directed to. Something hung heavy in the air as the lift reached the floor for which is was destined and she drew her blade. This was unnerving… They were all so vulnerable crowded in here, but if they split up coming down the elevator, they’d have to face the danger at the bottom apart from each other. The doors opened and everybody was suddenly clouded in steam. Elmera waved her hand, covering her face for a moment as orders were barked. Elmera had never faced any kind of Dwemer opponent before, but she was pretty sure that regardless of what it was, she could kill it with fire. She looked to her free hand and a flame ran down her arm and finally came to fruition in her hand, forming a ball. It was too crowded, she couldn’t get a shot off due to the close quarters. The woman in front of the sorceress was taking charge, but as she dodged an attack, Elmera took aim and threw her spell into the midst of enemies. It exploded on contact – directly striking a spider and sending it sprawling across the room in multiple pieces. However, what she had failed to counter was an incoming bolt which found a home deep inside of her right thigh. The Dunmer let out a cry of anguish and fell back as the elevator started to empty and the others took up defensive positions. She dropped her sword and a sphere charged her with a buzzing saw. Elmera tried to conjure up another spell, but it was moving so fast and the pain broke her concentration. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” She muttered, scooting back to the wall, scrambling for her blade. Unfortunately, even if she had it, it wouldn’t be much help – it was more suited to slashing and she couldn’t move. It probably wouldn’t help to fight off the machines even if she wasn’t injured. “Hey!” She called out as the saw closed in on her.