[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/UtJR_flag.gif/943px-UtJR_flag.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1]Golianzok[/h1][/center] [center]This Goblin Kingdom is located just under the 65 North line, in that mountain range.[/center] Background: Some say that the Goblins of the North were the product of a warlock mad with power, who corrupted the hearts of the innocent to turn them into creatures of darkness and snow. Others say they were birthed out of ice bergs, fully formed and ready to go. Wherever they're from, the goblins of Golianzok have certainly thrived in the harsh, steep, arctic mountain climate of the Golianzok Mountain Range. [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/b10a/f/2012/175/2/7/mountain_city_by_isdira-d54q507.jpg[/img] [i]An example of very early settlement building by a large goblin family.[/i] The first goblins began by making caves in the cliff faces their homes, cozy little dens away from the bitter cold and wind storms. They became experts at climbing in order to catch all sorts of creatures as their food and the frozen streams proved quite drinkable once broken off and melted over a fire. It was a meager life in the mountains, but it was all they had. Until the griffins came. The griffins are an even bigger mystery than the goblins themselves and how the goblins tamed them is the people of Golianzok's most guarded secret. Within 5 years, the Goblins of the Northern Mountains were Griffin riders, soaring through the sky. All of a sudden, Goblins were connected, a whole world of possibilities opened up. The goblins got organized, arranging hunting parties, retrieving water and mapping out routes and place safe to build structures. These people were no longer creatures cowering in caves by the warmth of a fire, they were masters of the sky and the griffins were their trusty partners for which to take on the world. Decades passed, and several major Goblin cities sprouted up. Smaller settlements and estates were peppered through the mountains, but all trade and activity centralized around these cities. This gave cities power and influence and soon these large cities in the peaks became city-states and the goblin unity of decades passed was replaced with suspicion and greed over food and stone resources. The first major goblin war erupted between three city-states, it was free for all. Griffins and goblins alike fell out of the sky in a shower of blood, settlements were destroyed and innocents slaughtered. This free-for-all war would be referred to as The War of Ignorance, because the Goblins thought they were the masters of the mountains. Little did they know, they were simply residents. In the third year of the war, the entire griffin population revolted against their masters and flew to the tallest peak in the range, now christened [b]'Mount Gol'[/b] where the goblins discovered that the mother of all griffins, an enormous griffin oversaw her range, she was four times the size of any Griffin anyone had ever seen and was estimated to be the oldest griffin alive. The goblins quickly realized that she had sent her children to help them out of that dark and depressing age all those years ago, when they curled up in their caves next to a dying fire, hoping to survive the night. It was only by her mercy and kindness did the goblin race survive. So the goblins stopped their war and made amends and began to rebuild. They paid tribute to The Mother by building a shrine on Mount Gol in her honor, which was a Goblin and Griffin standing side by side, as equals. The griffins returned a year later and a new respect was exchanged between both Goblin and Griffin. The Goblins built more cities and settlements and united them under the new nation of Golianzok, where a Griffin flies on a green banner, just as they fly in the skies if the mountains. The goblins themselves are ice blue in coloration with burning red eyes, though some have been known to have blue. Males are usually taller and broader than the females, averaging at around 5 foot 11 inches in height. Females tend to be 5 foot 6 inches. They're typically slim yet strong and well versed in mountaineering and hunting. They have long pointed ears, which helps them navigate the skies, on a griffin or not. Their ears shrink with age as well as their hair (Which can be Black, Brown, or Red) turns white and they wrinkle. A healthy goblin can live to be 115 years old, easy. [img]https://cdnb1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/868/157/smaller_square/jean-michel-trauscht-bluegoblin-traujan.jpg?1434974431[/img] [i]An elderly goblin, most likely around 100 years old.[/i] Golianzok itself is governed by a council of 10, with a Grand Elder making 11. This council makes all major decisions regarding Golianzok as a whole and controls its military. The large cities are ruled by Governors, who are approved by the council. Though they can command the city security force, the council can ultimately pull out as many men as it needs in the event of war. Its military comprises of many armed griffin units and few land units. Surprisingly, Goblin have a good grasp on machinery and have been making strides towards siege and war equipment such as trebuchets and battering rams. The recent discovery of precious metals within the mountains have greatly increased the quality of virtually everything in Golianzok. Arms, armor, equipment, structures, this is a technological leap and new towns are sprouting up on the edges of the mountain range at the order of the council to harvest as much of it as possible. However, the humans to the east could prove troublesome should they stumble upon the goblin's paradise of metals...