[hider=Dallen Larson] Name/Nicknames: Dallen Larson (Dal) Age: 36 Gender: Male Appearance: 6'1" in height, with a slim athletic build. Dallen is tall, dark, and handsome, appearing just as youthful as his early days as he gets older. He appears to never age. He has brown eyes and naturally pale skin, complemented by jet black hair that grows down to his shoulders sometimes, though he prefers keeping his straightened hair short. In his older years he has found that he prefers keeping his beard, though goes back and forth with shaving, depending on his mood, though not really caring much about his look from others. His signature look is that of a suit and tie, be that entirely black or the normal white and black, usually paired with a large black trench over coat. Being constantly on the move, he travels light, sometimes with light armor underneath, depending on the situation before him. He wears a hip holster on his right side bearing his revolver, while also having a chest holster that can hold more lightly weighted firearms, the chest holster usually being worn under his overcoat and over his suit and tie, providing a bit of extra armor and carryweight. [img] http://i.imgur.com/biHGVPX.jpg [/img] Race: Human Strengths: His greatest asset, being the thing that's kept him alive all these years in the wastes, is his talent for killing. He is a weapons expert, though prefers light arms that are accurate and durable. He is not, however, the gunsblazing go in and shoot out type, being keenly intelligent when it comes to combat situations, such as using stealth to dismantle entire groups rather than all out war. He prefers to take out his targets without them ever knowing he was there, which unfortunately is not always the case. He is also highly advanced in hand to hand combat, having trained in multiple martial arts from different areas of the landscapes. He is no expert in any particular fighting skill, though is well versed in all. His style is quick and to the point, and though he can fight, he prefers to use his tactical knife for the quick kill. He is fully aware of a human's pressure points and joints, and how they are supposed to move or function. He uses this to his advantage, should the opportunity arise. Weaknesses: As far as combat related, his flaws are few and far between. He doesn't quite work well as a team, as he only plans for singular situations. He trusts no one but himself. He is anti social, preferring to be a lone wolf. His people skills lack a bit of humanity, as the most that gets out of him are one liners, sarcasm, or just plain silence. He has no friends or anyone to watch his back, with little emotion and a lot of annoyance by everything surrounding him. His health is not in its best state either, as he smokes as much as he can find, as well as has a drinking problem. Luckily for him, supplies of that sort aren't that plentiful, though when he has them they go fast. Personality: Dallen wasn't always the way he is now, but the wasteland changes everyone. He is a hardened man of little emotion, often showcasing his grit more than his feelings. He is very grim and quiet, and often is annoyed by other people, so he tries to avoid contact unless necessary. He only thinks or cares about the next mission, whatever it may be and wherever it may take him. Though in everyday life, he is always quite calm and collected. Though things often annoy him, he rarely acts upon them save with a smirky sarcastic line. There is not much he really cares about anymore. If one were to be able to see the humanity left in him, they might find that he is a good soul, lost in a dangerous hell. He has, at least he had, a kind heart. He is protective in nature for the little guy, meaning he usually sides and feels sympathy for the innocents out there. Though he would probably never admit to such, he believes his sole purpose is to protect and serve those in need. Dallen has lost so much over the years, that the once polite and sometimes humorous man has become a darker image of himself. It's all buried deep inside of him, perhaps to much so at this point in his life. Skills/Attributes: Skilled in combat and survival, with a good sense of knowledge. He is very perceptive and somewhat agile, though has low charisma and doesn't believe in luck, only skill and practice. His endurance is somewhat limited from all the smoking and other bad habits, though he tries to keep in shape as often as possible, which is quite easy to do in his profession. Back-story: Dallen Lee Larson was born in the harsh cold climates of the north. He was trained how to survive early on, only having his father, Melton Larson, to protect him. His mother Gil Larson passed at birth, and so it was just him and his old man up until his young adult years. His father was a tracker/hunstman, and also a retired NCR soldier. By the time his father passed away from pnemonia and left his son on his own, he had hoped his teachings would be enough. Having been pumped full of information from weapons, to hunting, to books of knowledge, and much more, Dallen set out on his own for the first time. Dallen eventually found a settlement that accepted him. Using his skills, he was a valued asset for the community, being a hunter/gatherer for them. He there met his to be wife, a teacher named Erin Coppola. They fell in love and were to have their first born son, when the raiders came and destroyed his world. While being on a hunt, his entire community was attacked by a raider gang. The elders were slaughtered, the children were enslaved, and the woman and men were all killed, with many unlucky ones being tortured before hand. Upon his return, Dallen found the place burned down and destroyed. He found his pregnant wife dead amongst the chaos, and thus, this was the moment he was truly born. It took years to find them all, but Dallen did. One by one, he found and murdered the raiders that killed his people. Obtaining many scars on his body over the time, the day finally came when his vengeance had come full circle. His actions became quickly known by those in the area, as words spread of his accomplishments. Work then came plentiful, as there were many struggling people in desperate need of aid. He became a mercenary, though only took the jobs that allowed him to kill people like the raiders. He never smiled again, and also changed his entire look and thought process of life. He changed his apparel to be the opposite, now only wearing suits and looking professional, as opposed to his hunter garb that he once was accustomed to. The only thing that mattered anymore, was the next job. So he moved on and started his way south into California, looking to do more of the same. Other: He also carries a flask of whatever liquor he can find in a back pocket, as well as matches. Whenever he stocks up on caps and enters a new town, his priority other than keeping his arsenal in check is booze, smokes, and fire. [/hider]