[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kt6zZdy.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=gray][b]Location: En route to the Valley / Longear camp, healer's tent[/b] [/color][color=white]||[/color][color=gray] [b] Arriving at Valley, Tending to Kanza [/b] [/color][color=white]||[/color][color=gray] [b]Mood: Complacent, Worried[/b][/color][/h3] [i]Mentions: [/i]Darragh, Fyldern [@McHaggis], Kanza [@Inertia] [/center] [hr] [hider=Skills][ ⍚ ] [b][color=slategray][b]S[/b][/color][sub][color=gray] K I L L S E T[/color][/sub][/b] [i][color=cccccc][list] [*] [b]Observant: [/b]Years of watching Darragh work with patients has taught Eilidh to constantly be alert and perceptive. She is very sharp and picks up on hidden signals quickly. [*][b]Medicinal Knowledge: [/b]As the apprentice healer, Eilidh has excellent knowledge of the range of illnesses and medicines the clan has access to. Having spent day in and day out in the healer’s tent, Eilidh can easily identify different flora by sight, smell, and touch. [*][b]Memory: [/b]Eilidh was gifted with amazing retention and a sharp mind, allowing her to quickly memorize and master simple skills. This has allowed her to easily grasp the practice of healing and the art of writing. For more complicated skills, however, Eilidh will be able to master but with more difficulty or a guide. [*][b]Daggers: [/b]Eilidh possesses basic knowledge of daggers and other short blades for self defense. Being the apprentice healer, Eilidh was required only to learn the basics of combat for self-defense purposes, and although she owns a dagger, she often forgets to bring it. [*][b]Archery: [/b]As a descent of the Longear tribe, Eilidh was trained from birth the ways of the bow and arrow and has developed decent skills at archery. While not the foremost archer, Eilidh is still above average with her skill, as should a member of the Longear tribe be. [*][b]Focus: [/b]Being an apprentice healer has also caused Eilidh to be subjected to a stressful environment since she was young, and Eilidh is now able stay calm and focus even under stressful conditions. This allows her to call up her best performance even under duress. [/list].[/color][/i][/hider] [hr] Eilidh was silent as she walked next to Darragh, eyes wandering about the forest. [i]Witch hazel,[/i] she thought, spotting the familiar shrub. [i]Leaves are used to treat wounds and bruises; bark for upset stomachs. Leaves are usually oval in shape, and flowers range from dark yellow to red.[/i] The healer walked on, naming different flora and reciting their uses in her head to test her knowledge. She wanted to finish her apprenticeship as soon as possible, but the man next to her seemed to have no intention of declaring her apprenticeship over any time soon. Darragh, at a healthy and lithe forty-something, was a respectable albeit sometimes grumpy healer. Everyone in the clan respected him immensely for both his medicinal knowledge and advice. In fact he was summoned to the leader's tent just earlier this morning, returning to the healer's tent grumbling about the young heir, Fyldren. Eilidh hadn't been able to glean much about why he'd been summoned, but something was clearly up with the heir. Perhaps it had something to do with Fyldren's inheriting the title of Chieftain--the man had never quite struck Eilidh as the type to desire to lead, although she could be wrong about that. After arriving at the clearing, Eilidh helped Darragh set up the healer's tent, laying out all the parcels of dried herbs and pots of salves. They'd brought just enough to cover all the minor things--stomachaches, scrapes, dizziness. As the Valley was a place of peace, the healers generally avoided bringing their most valued herbs, settling for small amounts of medicines dealing with common maladies rather than specialized ones. Eilidh had just about finished laying out the last parcel of thyme when a guard carried Kanza into the tent. "He woke up briefly, but fainted again," he informed her, brows creased in concern. "Will he be alright?" [color=gray]”Let me get Darragh,”[/color] Eilidh said, scrambling out of the tent. Darragh had a habit of wandering off during clan gatherings, either finding other old-timers to talk to or simply sitting around at random places. This time Eilidh found her mentor near a old oak tree, gnarled and hunched with age. [color=gray]”Darragh!”[/color] Eilidh called, jogging over to her mentor. [color=gray]”Kanza's fainted--a guard brought him in.”[/color] "Then what are you doing finding me? Get on with tending to him!" Darragh reprimanded, running past Eilidh towards the tent. Eilidh felt a wave of shame wash over her—why hadn’t she first tended to the tribe advisor? It was her job as the healer, yet the first thing she did was run to her mentor, proving that she really was but an apprentice. Eilidh returned quickly to the healer’s tent, helping Darragh unwrap and grind herbs for Kanza. [i]Black cohosh for headaches and white willow bark for pain,[/i] Eilidh thought, recognizing the herbs that Darragh had instructed her to pick out. When it came to medicinal knowledge, Eilidh had to hand it to her mentor. There was truly no one else Eilidh would entrust her life to should she be injured. The apprentice healer watched as Darragh tipped a bowl with the ground up herbs into Kanza’s mouth, making the hunter choke at the bitterness. “Watch him,” Darragh told Eilidh before leaving. Eilidh sighed, burying her face in her hands. Clearly she still had ways to go.