Name: Astiroth Age: 83 Race: Demon Side: Razgar's Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Astiroth is a very calm individual. He isn't one to rush into a fight and is always analyzing the battlefield as well as his surroundings. He also never likes to keep others waiting. He isn't one to show interest in anything and always puts his emotions to the side. He also has shown to be cold, finding anyone that can't bring him an advantage as useless and will openly state it. Though he says he is loyal and often acts it, he is just waiting for the right time, this war will do in weakening the winner, and that's all he needs. Backstory: Astiroth does not speak of his personal life or where he was before the war started. One day he walked right up to the gate and asked for an audience. It did not take long for him to prove himself. Through numerous tests, he quickly moved through the ranks. After he revealed himself to be a demon, he was immediately valued above many others. With a position now where he could be heard with ease, he began to show his intelligence in planning and was then made to be a strategist. he is now simply waiting for the war to start, after all, he doesn't like to keep people waiting. Weapon: The sword in the picture releases fire with his swings. It will not release fire if he doesn't want it to. Magics: Fire magic Other: Strength: Being a demon, he posses physical abilities most races couldn't dream of achieving. Weakness: Extremely weak against holy magic.