[center][b]Hello. Welcome, one and all! To the wonderful world of Freeplaynia.[/b] Here if you so pleased you could go up to someone and deck them right in their face! Freeplay is game-based, imagine if a game world came to the roleplay world. You can do anything within reason as you could in say, Rust or Terraria. You can build, battle, meet new people or as said before, go up and deck someone right in the face. You can think of it as a game on a website (Much like RPGuild), or one of your favorite open world games. That choice is up to each individual player! Imagine this world as you feel. Although just don’t make it seem like or treat it like Hell, it isn’t that. This is a hillside, forested area, goes on for miles! You never know, maybe you’ll find a city or some towns while exploring, with game worlds the only way to know for sure is to explore every inch of the world. There are many different species in here, Cat, Human, Dragon, Cyborg, Dog and spirits of some sort. Each species has it’s own, well if you would, think of it like races from World of Warcraft and you can play as them as well if you choose to do so. They each have their own language and some sort of trait that only that species has. Everyone knows the common language, makes communication easy. While others do have their own, they might not always use it. You can do in here as you would in games. As I’ve already said, you can go up and just punch or slap someone, doesn’t matter why. You can just do it, simple enough that it’s funny. Maybe you felt like bitch slapping someone? You can so do that! Maybe you feel like engaging in a duel to the death, maybe you want to cut someone's head off after you kill them in a duel and hang it on your wall, we don’t know you, maybe you do actually want to do that. No one has to know about the heads [@CrazyShadowy] has on his walls in his house. Oh, I think I just let that out, oops. Don’t tell him, though, he might add our heads to the walls![/center]Sincerely, The one and only tiny spirit fox [center][hider=Rules] 1. No god modding, 2. No meta gaming. 3. Be respectful, it’s a game for fun, with other people. 4. Humans can’t understand animals and only the spirit of said species can, aside from others of that species. For example, a feline spirit can understand cats. Wolf spirits and fox spirits can understand wolves, foxes, and dogs. Dragons and Humans can understand each other. 5. Spirits can’t talk to a human unless the human has summoned that spirit or are destroying part of their protected area without consent. 6. Failure to break any of these rules may lead to punishment. 7. Have fun! It’s meant for people to have fun with, we hope you enjoy it! [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Character Sheet] (Any type of picture is accepted) Name: Species: (Cat, dragon, Human, Cyborg, Dog, Spirit of some kind) Age: Gender: Personality: Background: (Please don't be afraid to go overboard, the more you type here the more interesting your character is) Appearance: Outfits: (You can't have them wearing the same thing all of the time, so at least include a swimsuit, everyday clothes, and battle outfit) Siblings: (You don't have to have this if your character doesn't have them) House: (You don't have to have this but if you do add this please explain where it is, what it looks like on the outside and what it looks like inside) Misc: This may contain strength and weakness or even different powers that your character haves[/hider][/center] [center][hider=Map] [img]http://4clanwarriors.webs.com/Lake-Map.png[/img] (^Yes that is a Warrior cat map but it works) [img]http://lagosconvo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Forest.jpg[/img] [b][color=ed1c24]Shadow Forest[/color][/b] This section of the map is a thick dense highly populated area of cats, small dragons, spirits, and has little human activity because of the thick forest. The trees are some 20 feet tall to 25 feet tall, they aren't that tall but they are strong and thick and can make a good shelter from the rain. You are not allowed, to cut down the trees with the approval of a spirit who lives and protects to the area, further information on the laws of spirits and more information on spirit will be in a different tab. The Weather in this section of the map is heavily humid, and the ground is either covered with a 2-inch layer of water, or the soil is squishy and muddy. The wildlife there as become used to this bizarre weather and is happy leaving it. Of course, you will have your normal small game prey, mice, squirrels, a bird or a rabbit every now and then. [img]http://www.wallpapersxl.com/wallpapers/1920x1080/natured/400141/natured-nature-grassland-400141.jpg[/img] [b][color=bc8dbf]Windy Hills[/color][/b] Windy Hills is a temperate grassland with rolling hills, great for relaxation and cloud watching. It has wild critters, bunnies, rabbits, birds you name it, it’s probably here. There is some farmland in it, some rock walls and paths. Great for certain types of hunting or if you just want to relax. The breeze that sweeps through the hills is wonderful. If you ever wanted to feel a wave of the wind that lifts your spirit away, this is the place to go. You might even see some dragons flying about. [img]https://lightswithinthedarkness.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/skyflux-plains.jpg[/img] [b][color=6ecff6]Crystal River[/color][/b] Crystal River is a wonderfully beautiful river, it continues on for many many miles. It has many streams and creeks running off of it, some smaller rivers as well. It looks like something out of a fantasy, it is just stunning, it’s the perfect running body of water known to our kind. Plenty of fish if you feel like fishing. I can’t recommend drinking much of it due to that fishy taste, though, I’m sure you could find a way to remove that. *[@CrazyShadowy] in the background out of nowhere says* "I tend to use the river water to brew tea, it tastes wonderful. Only the purest of water for my tea!" [img]http://www.geographylists.com/valle_de_cocora_stream2.jpg[/img] [b][color=00a651]Thunder Woods[/color][/b] Thunder Woods is a giant oak wooded forest, it has other tree kinds, just more so oak than anything. It is full of color and water, many animals as well. The creek going through it stems from Crystal River, it’s slightly more rapid due to the hills and bumps. Some places have miniature waterfalls from it, once you find a calm spot in the creek it’s wonderful. It has the usual forest animals, birds, deer, foxes sorts of things like that. The leaf canopy is wonderful, the views are stunning. It looks great after a nice downpour. [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/178e7d09e862c0518105459ea4065df5/tumblr_mnpxkgEIuD1rw2di2o1_500.jpg[/img] [b][color=fff79a]MoonPool[/color][/b] MoonPool is a pool of water underground with an opening that leads into it that only spirits can reach through to reach their homes. The crystal clear water is both, relaxing and breathtaking. The pool is 50 feet deep, you can see straight through to the bottom if the light reaches that far. Usually, does during the Summer Solstice. It is a sight that you’d be lucky to see unless you were a spirit. It’s near impossible to get into as it is currently. Few have, none have lived to tell the tale. The only reason it is known they reached it is because the spirits returned their bodies. If you do make it and live, the water is fantastic. It’s perfectly calm, rather warm year round. Perfect in the colder seasons. [/hider][/center] NOTE: Once this becomes more popular or at least as more people who are a part of this, I am planning on doing events