[hider=Zyxon] Photo:[img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4Fd0FG1476_7wtQV1qemMLHIH1S4lE3sSTLnP9UObyB3R4bRd[/img] Name: Zyxon Nickname: St-eel Age:21 Height6'1 Weight:183 lbs Personality/Bio: has been morphed for 2 month, after the Gills and water sacs came in he realized there was no going back. So he has embraced it. Was given eel serum. His personality only resembles him in his habit of watching people. Only instead of out of interest its now just to study them. He never was popular but he always had a small group of friends that were close. There the only human thing he thinks about anymore. Although he never joined swim teams, Zyxon was also a great swimmer. Morph:can create electrical currents around his body(eel organs)(rare ability), has two water sacs in his neck(uncommon trait), Gills(common trait), enhanced body armor caused from his eel like skin (rare ability), webbed feet (uncommon trait),swim faster(uncommon ability) predator behavior Appearance based on morph: two small round sacs on the front left and right side of his neck, not dangling just on his neck under his skin. Gills on the sides of his neck.he wears cargo shorts but doesn't bother with a shirt. Skills: traps, Strength: strategic, water maneuverability Weakness:cant leave water for more than two hours, limited skills outside of water Family: none Other: hasn't killed anyone yet [/hider] [hider=Alex]Appearance:[img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ__-wZMjT9eFjAZQ952Y5aA0vESW4XdyDExrZcvqz93WwoT17D[/img] Name: Alex Nickname: Rat(only by other morphs) Age:22 Height: 6'2 Weight: 150 lbs Personality/bio: being a new morph he is both excited and scared as he is unaware what awaits him. He couldn't hold a job because of his lack of interest in the system the government had created. So he spent lots of time on video games and only left his apartment for food. So when he was kidnapped one night it's possible no one noticed. Morphology: he has a uncommon rat morph that increases his limb strength(uncommon trait) so he can jump from higher places and be fine,increased speed(uncommon ability),a tail(common trait)enhanced hearing(common ability) rat ears(common trait). Behavior: has prey instincts but fights them when he's looking for hunters, comes out mostly at night. Appearance after morph: looks human except for his day ears an tail. He wears hunter cloth so he can trick hunters into believing he is Human. Skills: disguises, hiding Strength: finding people, doesnt need much food, notices details Weaknesses: no hand-to-hand combat training, cant spend much time in the sun Other: thinks this could be good for him [/hider]