With luggage bag in hand, Maurice Brown exerted as much confidence as he could in each step he took as he walked towards the location of his new residency. He was in truth rather nervous about the possibility of having his bag's contents exposed as they contained many, many things. Rare occult books not found in stores, survival kits, make-shift weapons, anything one could possibly hope for in the event of a sudden alien invasion. He was fairly sure not everything in his bag was legal to carry around. To an unassuming stranger he would seem to be a simple company worker with a large luggage bag. He could pretend it was just clothes but he merely hoped it wouldn't attract attention in the first place As he turned around a corner he saw what was a small but steadily growing(and rather noisy) crowd gathering in front of a small homely gate. It was without a doubt Maple 801 - 101. Maurice guessed they were fellow new cohabitants or such, and walked towards a woman cleaning the premises for she seemed most likely to be the one in charge. [color=fff200]"Are you perhaps the landowner here? I am Maurice Brown, new resident. If you will, call me Brown. Or a nickname will suffice too. I can't say I'm too fond of 'Maurice'. It's very nice to meet you."[/color]