I've already responded to a couple of certain individuals whom have PMd me questioning my absence. Though, I still feel like I owe an apology to those of you that have dedicated time to some amazing characters and were willing to play my idea (while I was still active). Due to a series of unexpected events, unfortunately I almost ended up homeless. My job wasn't paying me 20+hrs I worked, which I really needed, and unknowingly to me the guy I was renting my room from still hadn't paid the rent for the last 2 months on the house. I'm glad to see that my idea hadn't gone to waste and I assure you that I was thinking about you guys and the Rp. Though the situation I was in was entirely too stressful. I definitely was not in the position or right state of mind to make an OOC for you guys, let alone think up my own character. I failed you guys and I'm sorry. Again, I'm happy that your time didn't go to waste and you still get to play. I hope you guys can understand what my position was and can accept my sincere apologies. It'll probably be hard to trust me to run an RP now, so I don't plan on interfering with whatever my idea has turned into here. I just wanted to clear up the mystery behind my disappearance and apologize to you all