[center][h1][color=D09A57]Jackson Tanner[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/a473b16987b7f5335b41339658cbaf59/tumblr_o80lxs9RrX1spwd06o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=D09A57][b]Location:[/b][/color] Medical Bay[/center][hr] Giving Anisa a nod, Jackson looked over to Dorothy, shrugging. [color=D09A57][b]"I'll leave 'im in your care, then, doctor."[/b][/color] He'd say with a nod, partially just unloading the vomit-soaked boy outside of the room on her as he glanced back toward Anisa. Reaching up, he gently set his hand on her arm as she set it on his shoulder, offering what support he could as he stood nearby, making sure she didn't fall over again. He'd glance back over to the kid as he spoke to Dorothy again, overhearing him as he chuckled. [color=D09A57][b]"Son, you'll be lucky if I don't put a bullet in you 'fore you leave."[/b][/color] He'd comment, partially to amuse himself before Anisa would be speaking to him again. In a moment or two he slipped back into the military standard, nodding his head once firmly as he shifted closer to place his hand on her back, offering her some more support. [color=D09A57][b]"Yes capn'."[/b][/color] He'd say curtly, leading her out of the medical bay and down toward the engine. [color=D09A57][b]"Now, y'know I ain't exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to these here mechanics, Capn', but I can tell you at the very least that most'a this seems mighty Xìngjiāo."[/b][/color] He'd utter plainly as they reached the room, letting go for her a moment when she was near enough to the wall to grab it for support, he pulled the cover off the engine, looking over it and mostly letting her examine it for herself, after all, his lack of knowledge on ship repairs was the reason they'd got a mechanic in the first place. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FF2F2F]Gregory Quinn[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/5c4bdc16083899ae152b4c5082d641e8/tumblr_neapbd9y3f1rb5kh3o4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=FF2F2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Lounge (Sealed Off)[/center][hr] As Quinn listened closely to Jahosafat, he experienced something which did not come often or easily as he began to feel truly sick. The idea of not just turning the reavers away, but turning them into some sort of weapon? It disgusted the Captain, it was something he could not abide. But even he knew that orders were orders, he would allow such tests to take place aboard his ship, whether or not they appealed to him. Finally, he lowered his arm, tucking his sidearm back into its holster as he would move to retrieve his jacket, shifting it on over his shoulders. [color=FF2F2F][b]"Carla will be your security, take what you need but if you can, avoid involving me in any reports which are not of critical importance."[/b][/color] He said plainly, buttoning up his jacket and adjusting it somewhat, re-adopting his calm, collected and stern officer's demeanour as he did so. Turning toward the doctor completely, he gave him a very specific kind of look. [color=FF2F2F][b]"And doctor, please know that if at any point your experiments become a hazard to myself, my crew or your own well-being, I will personally gun down each one of them, and throw them to the black."[/b][/color] Quinn was not looking for an issue to come from this, if it were up to him, he'd have gunned down the experiments already, but it was not, not until it became an issue. While Jahosafat had assured him, Quinn was not the trusting type, especially when it came to experiments such as these, these were the kinds of experiments that Quinn would kill to avoid. Although, he dearly hoped it would not come to that.