[hr] [color=ed1c24][H1]Gabanre[/h1][/color] [hr] Melanie, Gabanre's sister, woke Gabanre. After a big yawn Gabanre asked what time it was, it was 7:00 AM. Time to get up Gab said Melanie, you have to start packing for your trip. Gabanre stood up out of his bed, and took the first best pair of clothes he saw. He took blue jeans, a brownish jacket wit a grey t-shirt and went to do his daily things. After that he went to the shack behind the house. He took out his fire making kit and his fishing rod. He also took the tent he had there for the trip. After a while he came back with his backpack packed. He tooks some food and made it ready for leaving tomorrow. After this he went towards Riley's Bed and Breakfast for his breakfast, since his sister did not really like to cook, and he hated to do so himself, most of the times he went there. It was just as normal, a little bussy but still there was his place he normally sat at. He took a seat and ordered some food to eat. He was hoping that Riley would show up since he wanted to discuss something about the day after this one, when His friends and he himself would be going on a trip.