[@Oraculum] Encounters with the Vopson will be interesting. Will they be an "ally" of convenience or the Mi-Go to your elder things? Only time shall find out. I lean on the latter however since a society that values interdependence will likely despise the supremacist outlook the Vopson have. Just because both are xenoempires ran by actually alien aliens doesn't mean they are obligated to like each other. On the other hand the Coalition may see the Vopson species, if not the golden swarm as a tool to add to their collection. The Golden Swarm may see similar with some of your species, but not nessecarily for utilitarian means. The Golden Swarm is quite a materialistic swarm to say the least. They love hoarding things. [@BilboTheGreat]It is likely that the pestilence the Golden Swarm will bring to bear will be of great stress to your federation, especially when the reports start rolling in. The Vopson do things that makes space vampirism seem like cuddling. [quote=@Drunken Conquistador] Could this be? The Totalists once again cast as the lesser evil? XD [/quote] The Vopson are the galaxy's Angels, morally exempt from the concerns of the galactic community. Since the Vopson are filth ridden xenosavages, in a way yes, the Totalists seem good by comparison. However the Golden Swarm's political system is relatively looser than yours. Their clients just have to give population tributes in exchange for protection from other factions. It's sort of like wolves protecting sheep from other wolves. If said protecting wolves were sadistic fucks.