[hider=Gredy Silvertongue] Name: Gredy Silvertongue Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 6'0 Weight: 78 kilograms Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Origin: Johto Visual Appearance: [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/bb02/i/2015/119/0/b/pokemon_trainer__carter_by_sneedham507-d3epuip.jpg[/img] Pokemon not included. Written Appearance: Gredy tries to favor a simple outfit, favoring a normal white shirt with a dark red/black jacket with a pair of simple gray pants; Not the flashest of attire but after being dragged from store to store clothes shopping by his older sisters he knows that the colors go together and he looks alright. In rainy or chilly weather, he is prone to wearing a pair of black gloves and a water proof, wind resistant coat over his jacket. He is prone to wearing a pair of gray sneakers or black steel capped boots. Personality: Gredy seems to be rather laid back about a lot of things; He clearly has a hard time motivating himself to do something he doesn't want to do, but if it needs to be done he will grit his teeth and do it grudgingly with a minimum of fuss. In the event that he encounters something that interests him, he will noticeably brighten up before he engages with it to an obsessive level. Not the most social of people, but friendly enough that he will try to hold a conversation... Prone to saying the wrong thing through. Motivation(s): Gredy wishes to prove to himself that he can make it in the world... and part of him wishes to do it the hard way by earning his first pokemon himself rather then get it handed to him. Badges:[img]http://pokecharms.com/data/attachment-files/2016/12/423307_trainercard-Gredy.png[/img] [b][u]Pokemon[/u][/b] Coming soon. Team Name: Coming soon. Other: Gredy came to Kanto to visit the eldest of his three sisters, who has gotten married and has two wonderful children. He is starting his pokemon journey in Kanto simply because he was already there and he might as well give it a shot. [/hider]