This is going to be a test run of something I've wanted to be part of for a while. Basically, this RP is supposed to be running constantly in the background as someplace to play a character when other RPs slow down, or when you're between RPs. The way it'll run is that for the most part, there will be no real plot going on. Anyone who gets accepted is free to come in at any point and make their posts, or to stop posting for extended periods of time. That said, I do appreciate a heads up if someone decides to split in the middle of an actual story portion. The RP will be run in one of two styles at any given time. Most of the time, it will be run freely, with everyone doing their own thing in their own little groups. During these portions, feel free to do whatever. Go to the mall, police the streets, engage in a little recreational arson (please don't actually, I'd have trouble working a serial arsonist into a Hero RP). Other times, there will be short story arcs. Things like national crises or sponsored hero events where everyone gathers in one place for the same purpose. Anyone can run one of these arcs as long as they run it past me first. During a story portion, posts should be centered on the current plot, but people can enter the scene at any time. As this (hopefully) gathers interest, I'll start laying out a bit of the world structure and deeper rules.