[@Write] The enchanted forest should not have been available to a normal human - but unknown to you, you [i]weren't[/i] a normal human. At first, you only saw the fluttering of your eyelids, a darkness surrounding you. But then an odd green light spread beneath you, winding it's way through the blackness of your shut eyes. Like a thread leading you forward, you realised it was forming a path. Unknown to you, your torch flickered with a now-green light, pulling you forward, leading you safely. [center][I]Persephone dissapears into the enchanted forest. She can now no longer be seen by characters in the mortal realm, like Narcissa.[/i] [color=d264de]”Please come to your senses! Do you not remember his fate? The fate of those who force marriage upon others? Surely you are not as foolish as him. You must be confused, wayward. You are more noble than he was, are you not? Or was Katychus right to cast you to the earth?”[/color][/center] You can hear it now, that beautiful voice you know so well. It's a little distant, but some ways in front of you none the less. [@Melo][center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/9509058271722391b921495ba1c52ed9.png[/img][/center] The procession paused, the ghostly sheet-like creatures turning to face the magical beast, glowing green liquid still held in the strange saucer. He seemed to be weighing over her words. [color=Lightslategray]"Does it not please you to be whole again, Ylonia? This curse on you is a dreaded one. I can offer you a new life then this mortal coil you wear like old rags."[/color] He asked, gesturing in a slow, low sweep with one gnarled hand. [color=lightslategray]"Or perhaps it is the festivities that are not to your liking?"[/color] he clapped his hands, and the figures rose in harmony. [color=lightslategray]"A dance is in order. Entertain our guest, my loyal friends."[/color] and so they formed into two columns, zigging in and out passed each other and around Nissa, swirling and twirling to a slow beat. While this was happening, Nissa felt her finger twitch. Her limbs felt heavy still, but presumably she could move them with some effort. It wouldn't be fast by any stretch, but at least she had control of her body once more. One being still stood near the strange creature, the saucer steady in his hands.