[center][h1][color=2F4F4F]Caterina[/color] & [color=7ea7d8]Shawn[/color][/h1] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/p4jTQB4RcwbC0/200w.gif[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/13gbbhlfDjcAKs/200w.gif[/img] [hr] [sub]A collab by: [@Neno 1445] & [@HaleyTheRandom][/sub][/center] [hr] [center][sub]Interacting with: Each other, Sade [@mskennedy615][/sub][/center] [hr] Shawn, after giving a wave to Ariel, was now standing over by the sweets bar, curiously evaluating every selection. Finally, he decided on a chocolate to the right of the table. Popping it in his mouth, he would discover that it was filled with caramel. He mentally decided that he had made the right choice. Turning, to see if anyone was paying attention to him, he would find his eye caught by a brunette girl dressed in a dark red dress letting down her hair. Shawn couldn't help but let the word stunning cross his mind. Tearing his eyes away he would turn to put another chocolate in his mouth, catching a glimpse of her coming his way out of the corner of his eye. Caterina's steps didn't slow down despite the anxious knot growing in her stomach. The way she moved caused her hair to move with ease, framing her face once again. She stepped a few steps before her betrothal, scanning him carefully. Why hadn't he approached her to that moment? Why was he just busying himself eating chocolates although she was quite sure he was staring at her just moments ago? Did he already dislike her? [i] Well good news to you Prince Shawn. I don't like you either. [/i] She thought as she inwardly rolled her eyes. She pushed her hair off her shoulder and stepped behind him. She tapped his shoulder softly, and once he turned to her, she gave him the same autocratic smile she always wore. Barely flattening her full lips or narrowing her eyes. Barely friendly. The air around her was still the same of confidence, strength, yet femininity. She extended her hand to Shawn, slightly titled, of course expecting a kiss on the back of her hand and somewhat a friendly, or a flirty, response. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Good afternoon. I'm Princess Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike.[/b][/color]'' She greeted, her stance was still poised and screamed of confidence and self-content, yet with her hair down and the figure-complimenting dress. She looked effortlessly attractive. Feeling the tap upon his shoulder, Shawn would turn to see the girl that he was just staring at moments before, right in front of his face. Struggling to swallow the food that he was currently chewing, he offered her a warming smile. Taking a closer look he would notice the confidence that she held herself with. This was something that Shawn admired almost immediately. With an ego like his, and the confidence of her, they were bound to have fun, he supposed. The slightest thought of who his betrothed was to be, he shook her hand, politely, not seeing any idea for being overly formal here. [color=7ea7d8]"Nice to meet you, Miss,"[/color] he responded. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Shawn Adam Hunter of Avalon. Can I interest you in one of these chocolates, perhaps?"[/color] He knew it was most likely the wrong thing to say, but he seemed to be running out of things to say already. [i] Miss?! He called [b] me[/b] miss? Oh God help me. Not even princess, and I am his betrothal! [/i] Caterina thought mockingly, confused at his choice of words, even more when he introduced himself. Of course she knew who he was-- And what he was to her, and she expected him to hold the same knowledge. She raised her perfectly arched eyebrow slightly as he even shook her hand and dropped it almost instantly. His slight struggle to swallow the chocolate he was currently eating caused one side of her lips to lift slightly, greatly entertained by how he reacted to her. She blinked a little as he offered her chocolate. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Are you aware of who I am, Prince Shawn? [/b][/color]'' She asked smoothly, although she was slightly offended that he may have had no idea of who and what she were, she showed no sign of that in the way she spoke or her face expressions. She simply held herself with the same confidence and slight smile. [i]Oh Lord, what have I done?[/i] Shawn thought, hearing her words and seeing the arch of her brow. Surely they haven't met before. He quickly scanned his memory the best he could, trying to remember such a pretty face. [i]Caterina...Caterina,[/i] he repeated the name over and over in his head, coming up empty for any information except a few facts about her Kingdom. Who could she be? Taking a few moments to continue thinking, a nagging suspicion that she could be the one that he was looking for became apart of his thoughts, but he was not so quick to assume. He blinked quickly a few times, shaking his head, an innocent look upon his face. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm afraid not, Caterina. Tell me, have we perhaps met before?"[/color] Caterina's eyes widened only slightly in shock, but she quickly went back to her composed features. He seriously had no idea-- Hadn't his advisers readied him for this meeting? Told him anything about her? She wouldn't be shocked if he knew[i] everything[/i], but nothing?! She stared at him for a few more moments before breaking into a gentle giggle that could be mocking, but it was more surprised and shocked than anything. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Have we met before?[/b][/color]'' She repeated his question as she slowly crossed her arms, which had only done wonders to her figure. She raised an eyebrow, almost challenging him to think harder. ''[color=DarkslateGray][b] No, we have not met, Prince Shawn.[/b][/color]'' She added; it was obvious in her tone that she was slightly entertained. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] I'm your betrothal, Shawn.[/b][/color]'' She explained, his name rolling off her tongue beautifully of course. She rested back against the steady wooden table that held the platter of chocolates, dropping her arms and slightly leaning over her hands as they rested on the table. She gave him a slow grin. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] I am surprised they have not told you about me. [/b][/color]'' With the corner of her eyes, she could notice Casimir and Isobel dancing. She inwardly raised eyebrows in surprise. [i] I knew the stay here would be nowhere near boring. [/i] Well, they hadn't met in the past. At least he needn't worry about the possibility of forgetting her. That would have been embarrassing. But no where near as embarrassing as this. Why hadn't his advisors told him about her? She seemed nice enough, and even if her personality didn't work out.. her figure; hot damn! He could feel the slight look of shock on his face before he managed to get his self composed. [color=7ea7d8]"Why, me too. Can't see why they wouldn't. I must apologize for not greeting you properly."[/color] Caterina shook her head, dismissing the topic of why his advisers hadn't told him about his own betrothal. It was a little odd because she made sure to be on top of everything, so to attend such a huge meeting without knowing her own fate would make her greatly wary, but not to Shawn apparently. She gave him the same smile she always held. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] It shouldn't worry you. Too much. [/b][/color]'' She said, playfully, obviously feeling a little at ease around Shawn, but that didn't mean the air of confidence or self-content dropped. Not even for a second, it probably even managed to grow bigger. Shawn paused for a moment to give her a smile. [color=7ea7d8]"Excuse me for being blunt, but you are absolutely gorgeous, Caterina."[/color] At his next words, Caterina's cheek heated quickly, quickly becoming a deep shade of pink. She blinked a couple times slowly. Caterina was quite aware of her good looks, she made sure everyone else knew that as well, but to actually get someone-- Her betrothal especially-- comment on it caused her to grow a little embarrassed. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Oh-- Thank you. That is kind of you. [/b][/color]'' She said as she straightened up a little. ''[color=DarkSlateGray][b] You are not too bad yourself, Shawn. [/b][/color]'' She said with a slightly wider smile. [color=7ea7d8]"It's my pleasure,"[/color] he replied with a smile of his own. [color=7ea7d8]"And thank you, by the way."[/color] Shawn, too, knew he was good looking, though did not make Caterina aware of this. He wanted to be a gentleman around her, no matter how wild he may be. Seeing Isobel and Caismir dancing, he couldn't help but ask: [color=7ea7d8]"I know it's strange to ask this, especially at this time, but what exactly is your opinion of the betrothals?"[/color] Caterina continued scanning the ball room; Not much had happened so far, everyone was in their little quiet chatter or bubble, except of course Casimir and Isobel. She turned to Shawn as he asked for her opinion. "[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Honestly? Bluntly? It's absolutely horrible.[/b][/color]" She said with a slight shrug. "[color=DarkSlateGray][b] Not like I, like most ladies my age, dreamt of a fairytale happening for myself. But I think arranging it so-- formally is bound to cause problems. Not like I mind. It's after all for the sake of both our nations, correct? So win-win."[/b][/color] Shawn nodded his head, slipping his hands into his pockets. [color=7ea7d8]"Win-win is one way to put it, but I couldn't agree more.[/color] He gave her a slight smile. [color=7ea7d8]"For what it's worth I've never been that big on fairytales anyway."[/color] Why he had asked the question wasn't for any particular reason, but as she answered, Shawn realized that he did have a reason. He wanted to make sure that his bride-to-be wasn't feeling forced into anything and already hated him for the fact. The way things were looking at the moment, depending on how he acted, she could end up hating or falling for him. Either way he supposed would work. Caterina watched Shawn carefully as he took he looked at her with a slight smile; She wasn't sure if he was reassuring her that it could work out and it could be fine, or was he, himself, needing reassurance? She blinked before straightening up, throwing her hair off her shoulder. She softly and swiftly wrapped a hand around his arm, stepping a little closer to him. "[color=DarkSlateGray][b]We shouldn't be lurking in a corner, hm? Let's get to know some of our lovely company. [/b][/color]" She suggested as she gave his arm a soft squeeze of reassurance. She glanced around and noticed Sade. "[color=DarkSlateGray][b] I really want to get to know her.[/b][/color]" She said as she nodded slightly in Sade's general direction. Shawn was happy, in a way, that she had taken his arm by herself. It saved the awkwardness of the whole offering/accepting of a bodily limb to hold onto scenario. He glanced over at Sade hisself, her clothing choice by which he was slightly intrigued. It wasn't a bad dress, just something that he wasn't necessarily used to seeing. [color=7ea7d8]"Why, of course. Whatever you want,"[/color] he responded. He walked towards Sade at a comfortable pace, stopping when he was just a few feet away from the girl, Caterina still by his side. [color=7ea7d8]"Greetings,"[/color] he started off. [color=7ea7d8]"I'm Shawn Hunter of Avalon, and this is my bethrothed, Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike. It is a pleasure to meet you,"[/color] he added, extending his hand to her. He silently hopped that Caterina didn't have a problem with him introducing her. Caterina didn't necessarily feel comfortable or odd grabbing into Shawn's arm. She was aware that in the next few months, possibly even years, she was to be by Shawn's side, so she was completely neutral. Neither loving it or loathing it. She nodded as she walked by his side toward the dark skinned beauty. Caterina smiled softly as she scanned the young woman-- She connected with her in a way, or so she thought. Caterina raised an eyebrow at Shawn as he continued on to introduce her. A bit of distaste could be seen in her eyes, but she disregarded the issue. What was the point in getting in a quirrel in front of another royal? She smiled at Sade, the same autocratic, yet somewhat gentle smile. "[color=DarkSlateGray][b] It's a pleasure to meet you. I have been esctatic to approach you. [/b][/color]" She said as she extended her hand to shake Sade's.