[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ebc79e]Kayala Stalack[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/piCFOdTI3lJgA/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Main Hold[hr][/center] Kayala had taken a seat in her chair and was sitting there running her fingers back and forth over a needlepoint she had been working on for the last couple of months. A little something to do here and there to help clear her mind and keep her focused when she had nothing truly important to do. Right then she felt she had nothing truly important to get to. They hadn't landed yet and the ship didn't need guarding yet. She figured right then she could just relax since she had been told she wasn't going. Everything she had taken out had been put away now and her mind was clearing of the Face she had planned on wearing that day. Everything was as calm as could be expected even though she was still rather irked about the entire situation. That was until the call came out over the ships intercom and Kayala's eyes shot up and then narrowed. [color=ebc79e]"You have got to be fucking kidding me...."[/color] she hissed from between her clinched teeth. Kayala was known for keeping her cool. She was adaptable, calculating. Taking everything in before she did anything. She weighed out the pro's and con's. She wasn't one to loose her head and snap. The little bit of a scathing remark she had left the group with before she had excused herself earlier was about the closest she ever got to snapping. A blank canvas didn't have a lot of reds and oranges on it in which to draw from. That was until now. Shoving the needlepoint down into the chair she stood up and the door of her room slid open as she stormed out of it. It wasn't that she was angry for being called on the mission; she felt it was best that she should go. She knew the Hutts, had dealt with them time and time again. She knew the language, how to manipulate them, how to gain their trust and how to break it. This was the type of thing she was born to do. What was pissing her off was the fact one minute she was told that she wasn't going and had just wasted her entire morning of planning and then once everything was put away she got a "call" telling her to get her shit together. He couldn't even face her to tell her personally. That irked her more than anything. Kayala was usually the voice of reason when it came to Luke, trying to get him to think things out. On the other hand Luke was always trying to get Kayala to open up. Oh she was opening up alright. In three, there he was, two, she got closer, one... [color=ebc79e]"You need to get your shit together you understand me? You know full damn well if we have a mission that needs someone there that can handle something like this and requires the senator that I am first to get ready and start preparing. You fucking know good and well that it takes hours to get this shit sorted out so there is no stone left unturned and you know goddamn good and well that if I am told I am not going I wipe the slate clean. You want me with you fine. I should be. It's my fucking job but if you are going to flip flop on your fucking decisions as captain then you need to do one of two things. Either 1, have the fucking guts to come to my face and tell me and face whatever comes along with that shit or two, hand over command of this ship to Sutton! At least she has her fucking act together! Got it! Good!"[/color] she yelled, which was unheard of for Kayala; her voice echoing through the ship. Turning she went to storm off and get her things back together before she stopped and looked back over towards Luke. [color=ebc79e]"Pull another stunt like this and mutiny will be on the top of my fucking to do list!"[/color] she added before she stormed off. It was obvious she was outraged and offended by the entire situation. More so she was hurt. All three were things that usually never even registered on Kayala's radar, something a Face didn't show. Something some even speculated a Face was not even capable of feeling. It was obvious right then that those speculations were wrong.