[hider=Fixun, Meris] [b]Name:[/b] Meris Fixun [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height and Weight:[/b] 5'8", weighing 155 lbs. [b]Speciality:[/b] Medic [b]Appearance:[/b] Upon first glances, Meris looks like your average human. She has short brown hair, gray eyes and a slightly brownish skin-tone, with a more athletic build with more muscle around her legs and arms. This is where the similarities end and her status as a abhuman are more open - her ears, are on the top of her head that are pointed and covered in a brown fur. Her body is similar to an average human, albeit more covered in fur along the chest, arms and leg area. Her irises are instead slits although they are less visible than expected - only visible when they are stared into, with the addition of also possessing canines. Her bones are hollow, compared to regular humans - making her more quicker on her feet yet also making her bones more weaker than that of a human. They also possess claws upon their hands and feet, albeit most of them hide it under boots and gloves - utilizing them only in case of being attacked in close-quarters. [b]Uniform:[/b] Meris wears the the Cadian Standard Flak Armor, painted over in a black pattern - signaling her belonging to an abhuman strain and an completely abhuman regiment - in addition to a Cadian Standard helmet, that has two slits upon the top for hearing. She also wears gloves most of the time as did most of her regiment. [b]Armament:[/b] Accatran Pattern Mark II Laspistol, Imperial Medi-Mercy Kit, Standard Guard Kit (laspack, cleaning equipment, Primer, food and meat-heavy food) [b]Personality/Demeanour:[/b] Meris is a rather down-to-earth woman, she isn't as fanatical or zealous as some other Regiments or IGs nor is she suicidal in the face of overwhelming odds. She does her job to the best of her abilities - while trying to keep herself and her team alive. She is rather open and friendly when asked - although she won't initiate contact herself, since her status as an abhuman has kept her mostly related to and in contact with only her own species - and the occasional Commisar or General who visits them. Like most Felinids, she is practical minded. Making use of what is available for maximum effect - be it scavenging on the field for better equipment, being more indepentant than your average guardsmen and bending the orders, in order to shorten loss of life and/or equipement. [b]Greatest Ambition:[/b] Able to serve and live, to the end of her service and retire back to her homeworld. Or an equally nice and/or more safe planet. [b]Greatest Hatred:[/b] Being called a mutant and compared to some mindless beasts or chaos spawn. [b]Skills:[/b] Meris has been trained as a regular Imperial Guard medic - what she can save, who she can save and when she can save anybody - in addition to the regular Imperial Guard training. As a Felinid, she is also able to walk quadrupedial or on all her four limbs - this enables her to easily move on the battlefield, often times hugging the ground yet moving at the average pace of a guardsman. Her body is more flexible than an average guardsman, in addition as a Felinid her greatest asset is that, she is able to see more easily in low-light or in darkness. [b]History:[/b] Meris Fixun had been born into the 'middle class' hiver household - they weren't poor nor were they very wealthy. Both of her parents had a degree in medicine, as such she was learning to be a doctor at a young age already. However, the yearly tithe came along - and consricpts were drawn for their ward, this year around. She was one of the 'lucky' ones, whom got pushed through IG training - scoring at an average, yet her skill in medicine was utilized and she was trained as a battlefield medic. She and her unit had been the 33rd Nightstalker Regiment - as their name intended, they were specialized in fighting in nighttime operations. However against orks this skillset was severly crippled - there were too many orks to able do engage them, destroying ork supply lines didn't hurt their war-campaign much and ork bases were usually dangerous or more dangerous than fighting them on the battlefield. Meris had been lucky to participate as a medic, since there were alot of wounded during the fighting - and against orks heavy casualties to all regiments was a distinct normality. As thus, most of her time was spent crawling in the dirt - and pulling wounded men and women, away from the fighting. Meris got separated from her unit during the fighting in the City - being stuck with a Guardsman from another Regiment, whom had sustained heavy injuries. Most of her shooting being done from the window against any orks trying to flank her way. She had ended up with around twelve wounded Guardsmen in her little station, most from other groups by the time, the order to assemble had been given. Even before the charge on the Capitol, their regiment had been already at half-strength - due to their abhuman status, they were more than once on the receiving end of obstructive commanders whom refused to share supplies or support with their unit. It was into their half-year when their call for fire support was delayed intentionally - and when it finally came, the majority impacted their own position. While the Artillery Commander in-charge of their mis-fire had been executed by a Commisar, the damage had been done already and the 33rd was depleted heavily. After the Capitol charge only a few dozen remained of her unit. Her Regiment and herself had hailed from the planet of Carlos McConnel or planet CMC, in some circles Their planet' original name had been lost during the Age of Strife - later having been found by a Rouge Trader and the Administratum simply naming the planet, after the man. In addition to their weird planet name, their homeworld itself was slightly different from the rest. It had a weaker magnetic field yet was able to sustain life in a complex cycle - most fauna and flora hid or shielded themselves during the day and foraged/grew during the night. Most of the humans during that time, lived in a single large Hive City - with several super-large factories constructed during the colonization of the planet. However, when the Age of Strife happened, the planet itself collapsed into civil unrest and anarchy - since most of the resources were brought in, from the outside. The Hive City itself was destroyed and collapsed during that bloody war, alongside the planet' only spaceport - with the remaining survivors retreating into the wilderness. Mostly settling around or inside the mega-factories. Attempts to restart the facilities failed, due to the lack of fuel and resources - however the early-Felinids were able to scavenge blueprints and materials, to survive during the first years. The facilities themselves were built in such a way, that they could resist the bombardment of their sun without compromising their interior - enabling them to sustain life inside them. Eventually, life settled into such a cycle - the survivors hunting/working during the night and resting during the day - this led to their ability to see in the darkness. They hunted mostly game on the planet, since the flora was too toxic to eat. They grew more fur on their bodies, to combat the coldness during the nights. Their ears migrated to their heads, later on - since despite their ability to construct armor and weaponry, some predators still remained dangerous even with modern weaponry. These beasts having evolved to be almost invisible to the human eye. When the planet was rediscovered and brought back into the Imperium - there wasn't much hatred nor like. The human settlers had evolved into the Felinids of the current time - they remained human in morals and belief yet abhuman almost beast-like in body. The Administratum recorded around three sub-species of Felinids during that time - those that appeared human with some beastlike characteristics, those that appeared like humanoid felins and those in the far mountains that had de-evolved into horrid beasts. The first two sub-species could be tolerated and put to use, while the third sub-species was mostly exterminated. The Felinids during that time were organized into Nightstalker regiments - since they proved to be effective in nighttime operations or planets with a long night cycle. They were few regiments then, since their abhuman strain was only constricted to their planet. The Felinids didn't have much conflict with the Imperium, since they were mostly divided and spread out into many groups. After the Imperium restored their destroyed Hive City did the settlements reconnect - the mega-facilities were restored and turned towards constructing arms for the new IG Regiment, a few being salvaged to repair others with old knowledge recovered by the Adeptus Mechanicus. With the rise of the Ecclesiarchy and decay of the Imperium - their Regiments shrank in size, with only the more human sub-species accepted into the Imperial Guard ranks. And even then, they are mostly used as simply soldiers due to their abhuman status. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] In addition to being a medic, she has often times been sent to scavenge for equipment on the field - since she has a knack for being able to move silently and lowly. [/hider]