[quote=@Ophidian] Hmmm. I might be interested-I have an old character I've been trying desperately to find an RPG for. Would it be possible to play an ex-enclave (the ex part coming more from the fact there isn't a chain of command to report to in the area rather then by choice) character who, more or less, relies on the patronage of Lazzari family for protection? ....Going from serving the last, in their eyes, remnants of America to a crime family. .... [i]I'm sure they've adjusted well.[/i] [/quote] I've got no issue with you playing an Enclave character, just bear in mind that the Chosen One destroyed the Enclave Oil ring in Fallout 2, in this game is set around Fallout 4, so the Enclave haven't been significant in California for quite some time.