[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LpX2T1W.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=ff8d02][b]Location: Edge of Camp with Numas[/b] [/color][color=D17B0F]||[/color][color=ff8d02] [b]Engaging in conversation[/b] [/color][color=D17B0F]||[/color][color=ff8d02] [b]Mood: Amused, Alarmed, Reeling[/b][/color][/h3] [i]Mentions: Numas, Narcissa[/i] [@RedXCross][/center] With a flurry of furs and feathers, Rimguage thumped onto the floor next to Numas, raising a little dust as he did so. He crossed his legs and rested his hands into fists on his knees, though raised one index finger up to trace the mark on his face. [center][color=4ECCAC] “That mark... Where did it come from? Why do you have it?”[/color][/center] [color=ff8d02]"This?"[/color] he asked, tapping his cheek a couple times before resting his arm back down. [color=ff8d02]"There was magic involved in my birth aye. Common knowledge, though I 'spose it doesn't reach you down south. It's considered an omen of my destiny."[/color] he said, leaning in slightly. [color=ff8d20]"I'm due an awful and painful death, you know."[/color] he whispered as if telling a friend a secret, his expression deadpan, though his eyes searching Numas' face to see what sort of reaction he could get out of him. Rimguage couldn't help his strange humour, even though his presence was far-removed from his jokey nature. He turned his cool eyes to look down the valley, watching in mild amusement as the Wolfrahg scattered this way and that, no doubt very much excitedly joining the festivities. Relmir looked angry, but that wasn't really an unusual thing. He watched him and May Melra head into camp. Relmir grabbed a boy by the scruff of his fur and hurled him away as he walked. Curious... His interest caught again by the sound of a stick being dragged through dirt beside him. [color=ff8d20]"What's this for?"[/color] he asked, looking up at Numas with curiousity, not expecting to suddenly be bombarded with a set of deep, philosophical questions. [center][color=4ECCAC] “Curious. I have a strange belief that all of us will be coming together for some reason... What impulse causes our very-different clans to come together? Tell me, have you ever wondered what the divines must be thinking at this moment? Why do the bring so much attention to us tiny… humans?” [/color][/center] Now, Rimguage was hardly considered a philosophical person, stoic to others and a jolly fellow in himself. But this clearly was a matter of great interest to Numas, and his sudden outburst to a stranger intrigued Rimguage. Clearly he'd been thinking on the matter for some time. [color=ff8d20]"You're a strange one,"[/color] Rimguage commented. It had occured to him he had been temporarily distracted from his distress over losing Valerie. A long pause, as he stared deep into Numas' one working eye. He clamped a mammoth hand round Numas' back in a blustery, Wolfrahg show of comaraderie. [color=ff820]"I like you."[/color] Another clan trait - an unabashed honesty about their frame of mind. [color=ff8d20]"The clans have been meeting for generations. With it, we have solidified our ties and prevented extinction from the hands of Magical folk. Not all of them are bad, mind you, but they have a way of causing trouble that bodes ill for our brothers and sisters." "As for the divine... I regret to inform you I doubt they care about us humans, considering our run of bad luck. Three villages destroyed in the last eight years under mysterious circumstances. We're on our own, and that's what these gatherings are about."[/color] he gestured his head lazily in the direction of the camps, the sound of music and folksongs being sung drifting over to the pair from deeper in camp. [i]"Master Rimguage!"[/i] the boy from earlier crested the ridge, a little red in the face, his furs ruffled. [i]"Aren't you going to do anything about Princess Narcissa's dissapearance?"[/i] [color=ff8d20]"Princess Narcissa has dissapeared?"[/color] Rimguage was on his feet in an instant, [color=ff8d20]"What is the meaning of this?"[/color] he bellowed, his voice suddenly commanding an authoritarian hue, a skill he had learnt to perfect from a young age. His head was reeling. Was she unhappy with the pairing? Had some sort of assasins or thieves gotten to her? Unlikely, as the Karill heir she would be guarded heavily against that sort of thing. Was it staged? Was she in danger or was her father simply going back on the arrangement? What did this mean for him and Valerie? And what did this mean for the Clan? Such an event before the marriage did not bode well. Tensions would be high and accusations would be flying. [color=ff8d20]"Explain yourself."[/color] [i]"There's not much to tell. One of the waiting ladies went to check on her - she hadn't been informed by the princess that she didn't want to be disturbed, like the others. She was last seen a few hours ago. There's no sign of her around camp, and no signs of a struggle in her tent, either.[/i] [center][hider=Skills][list][*][b][color=F2A541]Occult:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Rimgauge was gifted and received tutelege from the Shamans of his clan. He is good at interpretting occult or magickal energies, and can act on them as needbe. [/color][*][b][color=D17B0F]Presense:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] As future Chieftan, and as a pretty imposing man anyway, Rimguage has an undeniable presence to him. He is intimidating to look at, and people are more likely to listen to him and give his words weight. [/color][*][b][color=F2A541]Blessed by Good Fortune:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Until the time of his untimely death, Rimguage's live is blessed by good luck, because of the shaman who brought him into this world.[/color][*][b][color=D17B0F]Tracking:[/color][/b][color=cccccc] Rimguage is good at tracking creatures and humanoids, particularly in forests or areas of difficult terrain.[/color][*][b][color=F2A541]Staves[/color][/b] - [color=cccccc]Rimguage is exceptionally good at fighting with staves, staffs or sticks, particularly two handed.[/color][*][color=D17B0F][b]Built like an Ox[/b][/color][color=cccccc] - Rimguage is powerful and can take quite the beating. Often he will try to protect others by throwing himself into the heart of combat.[/color][/list][/hider][/center]