"Yeah, interesting." Daemon huffed, dropping the box and kicking it under the coffee table. He ran his fingers through his hair and turned to Koyaani with a forced grin. "Maybe next week we won't be lumped together with Lightbulb for training." He slung an arm over Koyaani's shoulders and pulled him to the couch, flipping through the channels. "Let's stray away from the soap operas for today." He commented, stopping at a channel with a stand up comedy on. An Australian comic that liked to swear a lot. Just the type of thing Daemon needed. "Hadrian should be here in a couple hours or so, this thing's around an hour and a half..." He trailed off, slowly lifting his arms off Koyaani's shoulders upon realizing the position. He didn't want to make the guy uncomfortable. He also had no idea what to do once the stand up was over...