[hider=tags][b]Name:[/b] Seth of Valeria. [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Human. [b]Class:[/b] Knight. [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning. [b]Location:[/b] Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main lounge. [b]Tagging:[/b] [@Holy Soldier], [@Ayemdar], [@Cyrania], [@Vec], [@Raizin], [@Bright_Ops], [@Fetzen], [@JackalopeLove], [@KoL], [@Legion02], [@Ashevelendar] [b]Mentioned:[/b] [/hider] Riding the wave of success for a second longer Seth used the momentum to really take control of the situation and continued to talk with a loud voice taking care to be heard by the whole group. “For those of you who does not know me by name, I am Seth of Valeria. You could say that I am the orchestrator behind this little gathering from now on known as the Eye of the Storm guild. I have a list here... “ Seth started patting himself down to find the piece of paper “Aah, found it. I have had a look at all of you and put you in teams depending on your specialities. So, the teams are as follows; Party 1: No, Gwendolyn, Elel, Lizzy, Kerylun and myself.” Seth read each name carefully and looked around the room to identify the people one at a time. With a face to each name, communication should be easier. “As leader of this guild and a fighting member I am going to take the role of leader of party 1 as well.” He looked at the gargoyle Kerylun and the elf Elel. “Party 2: Keith, Reavus, Raven, P4NDA and Shama. Ideally you guys need a ranged fighter of some kind, but we will assign you something to do where range does not matter for now. Do not worry, I am looking at new recruits every day, so we should sort this out shortly. You will need to elect a leader to coordinate with me about the quests and other important issues... Alexander Salzar, you are on your own for the time being. I have a special mission in mind for you, but if you would rather join a group you can talk to the leader of party 2. But wait until we have had a chance to talk.” Seth gave everyone a short while to let the teams sink in before he moved on to the quests. “Alright, everyone, settle down. Now that we all know each other, I am going to hand out your assignments. Alexander, could you please come over? And who has been elected leader of party 2? Would you have a stroll over here?