Marta smiled and returned the kiss. "Don't worry, I will be fine." Marta really didn't mind all the time Ezra had to take to be leader. At the end of the day, she got to sleep in the same bed as him, and that was all that mattered. After everything they have been through, Marta didn't want to take anything for granted anymore. She knew how important Ezra was to these men, so she had to learn to share, or else she'd go mad. Plus being accepting has helped with her rapport with the men, they saw that she was there as a support system for Ezra. Once Ezra left, Marta took her time to finish up the last bits of her lunch. As she walked out of the mess hall, the sunshine beating down on her, Marta thought maybe her and Atalia could just lay out in the sun together and be girls. There was too much testosterone around here. And as if on cue, Atalia walked up and Marta smiled at her friend. They hooked arms and began walking around. "I did it again" Atalia said, blushing slightly. "I snuck into his bed." "Isiah loves you deeply, but you know how he feels" Marta said, looking at her friend. "I know," Atalia moaned like a child, "I just...times are different, you know? I want the closeness you and Ezra have." It was Marta's turn to blush. It was becoming clear that what Ezra and Marta did behind closed doors was no longer a secret. And they knew it was not the moral thing, but they couldn't resist. The closeness and bond they felt while making love was a pillar of strength for their relationship. "Come on, I have a surprise for you" Atalia said suddenly, tugging at her arm. Marta quirked her eyebrow in curiosity as she followed her friend, who led her back to her bedroom. Once inside, she made Marta sit down in a chair. Atalia was in on the plan, her best friend came to her, showing her the ring. Atalia was delighted to hear that Ezra would finally be proposing, and it would be legitimate because there was a rabbi who was will to convert Marta. Atalia and Marta had continued with lessons on the Jewish faith and history. Marta was almost also completely fluent in Hebrew. Her memory was astonishing. So Atalia agreed to get her friend ready for the big surprise. "You have such beautiful hair Marta, why must you always keep it up in a bun" she said teasingly as she removed the pin in her friend's hair, causing the blonde locks to fall down her back. Marta has not cut her hair in ages, so it was half way down her back, almost touched the top of the seat as she sat there. "It is just such a hassle" Marta said, running her friends through her hair, catching on multiple tangles and knots. "Well let me see what I can do" Atalia said, as she carefully brushed her friend's hair out. Once it was tangle free, Atalia began to twirl the hair up and create loose pin curls around the face, framing her face beautiful. She took the excess and carefully twisted into into a french twist, resting gently on her friend's neck. She was stunning. She let Marta look at her reflection in the mirror, and Marta gasped, "How did you do that? Atalia this is amazing." She turned her head from side to side. As she continued to be in awe of her hair, Atalia went over to her closet and pulled something out. Marta turned and her eyes widened. In Atalia's hands was the red and white polka dot dress she wore the first day she met Ezra. "Where did you get that?" she asked, walking over, running her fingers over the silk. Marta had completely become acclimated to a much more simple lifestyle. She got rid of a lot of the dresses her parents left her, replacing them with more modest, simple frock. She no longer wore any jewelry except the necklace Ezra gave her. So to feel such rich fabric again was bittersweet. "Isiah found it when they went to the Baer's house. I guess his mother had kept it wrapped in tissue paper, since you forgot to bring it home after that first day, and you must have forgotten to ask about it" explained Atalia, "Why don't you put it on?" "No, I couldn't! It isn't proper." Marta said, "Besides there'd be no reason." "Oh what is wrong with wanting to look pretty and dress-up on occasion?" Contemplating for a moment, Marta finally gave in and took her dress off she was wearing, and slipped into the polka dot dress. It felt strange but also familiar wearing it again. She smiled as she thought of the memories she had in this dress. She knew her first day meeting Ezra didn't exactly go smoothly, but it was still the day that brought him to her, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Marta was about to take the dress off, when Atalia grabbed her hand. "We are going to be late for dinner!" she said as she pulled Marta out of the room. "Atalia, I shouldn't wear this out there!" But her friend ignored her, and just kept leading her back outside. Marta noticed the looks she got from the men right away, and she flushed in embarrassment. She was sticking out like a sore thumb. Atalia led them towards the mess hall, but made a pit stop outside the meeting hall that was rarely used. "I forgot something in my room, just wait here" she said, turning to leave without Marta having time to say anything. Marta felt a bit flustered. Atalia was acting a bit strange, but she shrugged it off. She looked up into the sky, the sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning beautiful colors. She heard the door open behind her, and saw Ezra walked out, she smiled brightly at him.