K.C. looked up from his notebook to Miss Whitlock, who was standing at the front of the room, a laser pointer in her hand. He looked around the room of his Communications class he saw a few familar witches and warlocks but mostly mortals. It was normally a freshman class but it wasn't required, so K.C. took it this year to alleviate some of his other stresses. It was full of 3 freshman, 5 sophomores, 3 juniors and 6 seniors. He sat next to his cousin Jack, who had a copy of the Grimm manual in his lap. Miss Whitlock was staring at him so K.C. elbowed him and nodded to the front of the room. Suddenly he felt the mark of the Grimmsthorne (A stylized G with a sword and a rose crossed behind it.) burn against his skin. That meant a monster was within 100 feet of him. The mark pulsed once and faded, meaning whatever it was was on the move. "Fuck." he muttered. He made eyecontact with Miss Whitlock and gestured outside the room, dramatically raising his left arm, the code to indicate the mark. "Miss Whitlock, can i go to the nurse?"