[hider=Cal Glewdis] Name: Cal Glewdis Age: 27 Race: Human (Corellian) Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Cal Glewids][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/5d/87/c55d87e87c46c6dc08359c83ebd96795.jpg[/img][/hider]Stands at 6'1, and weighs in at 204 pounds. Has a rather strong build with a bit of flabbiness. Equipment & Clothing: Clothes appear as seen in the photo. Has a DH-17 blaster as a side-arm and an E-11 blaster (stolen from a Stormtrooper during one of his smuggling operations) as his primary weapon. Both weapons are obviously confiscated, considering he's currently imprisoned. Personality: Very talkative and loud, with a gung-ho attitude. Cal is against the empire for personal reasons; his father was killed in a protest on Corellia, and he figures that if he takes them down his father will be able to rest in peace. Anyhow, he likes to wisecrack, even at inappropriate times. One might think of laughing and joking as a way of coping with whatever shit he's going through; but really, he just likes to laugh and joke. History: Cal was born on Corellia to Korali and Kreia Glewdis. He also had a little brother named Owen, who was four years younger than him. When Cal was 6, his father was killed in a protest. While this devastated Cal and he swore he'd never forgive the Empire for what it did to his family, little Owen didn't even remember his father enough to care. And so, from that day forward, they were two brothers on opposite sides of the war. Cal hated the Empire and began doing work for the rebels, while Owen idolized the Empire. Cal left home at sixteen and began a career as both a smuggler and a rebel, while Owen eventually went on to become an officer of the Imperial Navy. On one of his outings with the Rebellion, in which they freed Rebel captives from an Imperial prison, Cal's ship was stolen by one of the people they freed, a man named Jarrde Holder. He's still pretty mad about that. Cal was eventually caught and arrested, of course. They were proud to have caught the notorious Cal Glewdis, who reportedly smuggled thousands upon thousands of crates of spice and blasters without ever being caught. Who had a bounty of 50,000 credits on his head. Who did the Kessel Run in only 14 parsecs (the record being beaten by Han Solo recently. Cal is still angry about that, of course). So, he was locked up for what everyone assumed was gonna be a long, long time. Until the Imperial Prisoner Task Service, that is. List of Crimes: 308 confirmed counts of smuggling spice and weapons (that's not counting the unconfirmed counts), 4 confirmed counts of terrorism (working with the rebels, again not including unconfirmed counts), and 1 confirmed count of murder (the victim being an Imperial Officer, once more does not include unconfirmed counts). [/hider]