[center][IMG]http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc493/zarkys5/numas%20icon2.png[/IMG] [h2][color=4ECCAC] With Rimguage || Edge of Camp || Locked in Conversation[/color] [color=4ECCAC]Mood:Resolved[/color][/h2] [@Mae][/center] Numas blinked slowly, his face still as he processed the words of this Wolfrahg heir. As the man explained the theory behind their mark, Numas had a sinking suspicion that this wasn’t necessarily the truth. But they said nothing about it. No point in conjecture until they’d had a few more moments to think about it. In response, Numas raised their own hand and showed the mark that was stuck to the back of their hand. The strange, colourful polygons overlapped and revealed a curious pattern of a nonsensical variety. [color=4ECCAC] “This mark is my own destiny,”[/color] Numas said, [color=4ECCAC]“I believe it shows that part of me is beyond this plain. Perhaps your mark means something similar.”[/color] They only reaction they had to Rimguage’s hand on their shoulder was a stoic face and a scornful stare. His thoughts were… getting close to what Numas was looking for, but not quite. His thoughts were still so tied to the world around them. Yes, the practical reasons for these things exist, but why? Why do these meetings protect them? Why did those clans get eradicated? [color=4ECCAC] “You’re getting close,”[/color] Numas stated, but added no other context to the situation at hand. And that was when the boy ran up. The small boy rushed up in a blur of motion and started babbling quickly about the situation. At first, Numas was set to ignore the child’s words as he delved back into the realm of thought, but then a name came up. [color=#ff8d02][i]”Princess Narcissa has disappeared?”[/i][/color] Their eye snapped back. Attention focused on the pair as he pressed information out of the small boy. His thoughts were confirmed then. This was Rimguage. The heir of Wolfrahg and the betrothed to Narcissa. Based on the information they’d pressed from her before; they knew she wasn’t necessarily “thrilled” about the situation. Part of them was tempted to step away now, but this Rimguage was becoming more interesting as time went by. Like perhaps Rimgauge was on the verge of discovering something about the world as a whole. [color=4ECCAC] “Narcissa has an incredibly strong sense of duty. Whatever is keeping her may be reason for warning,”[/color] he said, [color=4ECCAC]“If you are needed here, I could go and seek her myself.”[/color] It would satisfy Reisa anyhow. [center][hider=Skills][list][*][color=F72E4C]Natural Connection:[/color] Numas has an excellent understanding of plants and their properties. They can recognize most plants for the various abilities and support they can offer. This is exceptionally proficient in the marshlands, though some of this knowledge does trickle over into other locations. [*][color=4ECCAC]Witch Doctor:[/color] Beyond knowing plants well, they also know certain charms and enchantments that, when combined with other aspects of nature, can become powerful healing concoctions or other such potions and salves. This is made of a combination of their own research, their mother's time as witch doctor, and other sources. [*][color=F72E4C]Interpretation:[/color][/list]Sometimes Numas will bring their followers into trances via various hallucinogens. Numas can recognize symbolism in various dreams or hallucinations and use them to understand what is trying to be said by the incorporeal forces of the world. This is generally where some of Numas' absurd plans come from. [list][*][color=4ECCAC]High Constitution:[/color] Numas' experience in the wilderness with plants have rendered them immune to many poisons and toxins. In a pinch, they can eat things that would make most other people sick or dead with a much less severe reaction. [*][color=F72E4C]Slow and Painful:[/color] Their witch doctoring can work in reverse as well. They know how to concoct lethal poisons that could strike opponents down very quickly when administered. [*][color=4ECCAC]Wierd and Wirey:[/color] Numas tends to avoid fights whenever possible, but if they must their movements and actions are incredibly unpredictable and strange. Their flexibility and agility confuse opponents, then usually they try to strike with a poison and run away.[/list] [center][color=gray][sub][i]15[/i][/sub][/color][/center][/hider][/center]