[img]https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffc00.deviantart.net%2Ffs71%2Ff%2F2010%2F018%2Ff%2F3%2FMaka_Albarn_by_charfew.jpg&f=1[/img] Name: Maka Albarn Species: Human Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Maka is bright, cheerful, direct and confident, smart, and hard working. Maka is also caring and compassionate, willing to easily help a friend when in need with no personal gain in the end. She is somewhat of a self-depreciation hero. She is known to be strong willed and mature. Background: She had a troubled childhood, she went to some interesting schools. She stayed closed and never had many friends, she liked it this way. Not many people to bother her or for her to get caught up with. Her father left at a young age after cheating on her mother, her mother was always working to keep the money flowing so they could survive, she read a lot and would go for long walks to escape. She'd get bullied for many things, after awhile she stood up to them and told them off. She stayed to herself more after that. Once she became a teenager and moved to where she currently lives, she got better with it and is who she is today. Appearance: Maka is a teenaged, petite young woman with ash blonde hair which she keeps in pigtails, although there are certain times she may stylize them into buns or wear them straight down. Maka's primary outfit is a typical schoolgirl outfit consisting of a white blouse with a yellow sweater vest, a green striped tie, a red plaid skirt, and black boots with white buckles. When using Soul, she usually wears white gloves. Maka also wears a trench coat with a cloak-like end Outfits: Listed above Siblings: None House: small house in the purple section., neutral grey colored walls, hardwood floors, semi wall for the kitchen, on the other side of the semi wall are some stools. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Misc: Blank for now, I'll edit as I think of some.