Ezra felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest when she finally answered and the way she kissed him made him glad he brought the blanket. He leaned back pulling her with him until he was laying flat and she was on top. He once again heard Isiah trying to get everyone away from the door. He let out a small laugh as he kissed her neck once more and used his hands to hike her dress up a bit. “I really thought you’d say no and I may have cried if you did that,” he said moving his hands to her waist and holding her firmly. He propped himself up a bit on his elbows and began to kiss her neck once more. He could feel the coldness of the ring pressed against his skin as she held onto his neck a bit. He’d gotten more comfortable when it came to sex and he tended to put her in whatever position he wanted without much hesitation from her. She trusted him and he made sure to show her how grateful he was with every kiss he placed on her skin. His resolve to wait until they were married always faltered when they had time alone. Each morning he would promise himself to hold off, but every night he found himself tangled with her body and leaving love bites down her stomach on the inner part of her thighs. The two of them had begun to learn each other inside out and they were at the point where words were hardly spoken. They communicated mostly through looks and they expressed their love with gestures. He was ready to throw caution to the wind when he realized he’d forgotten to tell her about the Rabbi. He pulled himself from her with a smile and poked her gently on the nose. “Oh and I found a Rabbi to convert you in case you still wanted to do that. I mean it’s no big deal,” he said trying to play it off as nothing exciting but the way his eyes shined gave away how happy he was, “He’s coming by next week and then we can start making wedding arrangements. If we put it off long enough I may even get to save my dad from the ghetto they’ve taken him to. I found a lead the other day and it seems solid. I know it’s not the same as your dad, but he could walk you down the aisle if you wanted,” he told her with only slight doubt in his voice that he’d actually get to save his father.