[quote=@Aristo] 1) To keep things running smoothly, I'd like to keep them as they are, unless you have a substitute in mind that fits the same weapon tags. A shortsword, axe, warhammer and mace all have the [i]close[/i] tag and a weight of 1, for example. 2) You could improvise, sure; just be aware that a gong may not be ideal against every mook you encounter. In keeping with DW's [i]fiction first[/i] mentality, it probably won't do you much good one-on-one against a fully-armored knight, but might knock somebody out if you get the drop on him. [/quote] 1) More or less my idea, I was thinking of of the gong having the "stats" of a mace or something like that. 2) Don't worry, that's more or less what I'm thinking, hoping to confuse/scare the shit out of someone as they see a madman with a gong charging at them spouting poetry. Also, when I say gong, what comes to mind for you? Like a small hand gong or a larger, shield like gong?