[b]Name:[/b] Keith [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Warlock [b]Date/Time:[/b] Day 1 / Morning [b]Location:[/b] The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak [b]Tagging:[/b] Open, [@Vec][@KoL][@Raizin][@Ayemdar][@Ashevelendar] [b]Mention:[/b][@Holy Soldier][@Halvtand][@Fetzen][@Cyrania][@JackalopeLove][@Legion02] "[color=ed1c24]Aw, but a magician never revels their tricks my lady... even to a woman as charming as yourself.[/color]" Keith answered with a playful little smirk before politely taking the card that she was holding. Turning to look at the cleric, he showed the man the card as he asked "[color=ed1c24]Is this your card?[/color]" The fun and games came to an end as the leader of this little get together spoke up and started to explain who was teaming up with whom. Taking a moment to look around at the people he would be working with in the near future, he politely nodded his head as he felt the need to step up. "[color=ed1c24]I'm Keith... I'm happy to take over for group two.[/color]"