"Silas, you shut it right now." Shay warned in a hushed whisper, glancing back at Sam and the younger rougher. "You're the only one who speaks her tongue, aye? Don't say a damned thing that puts us in a bind, alright?" his face was flush with embarrassment. He didn't think it was that obvious that their lovemaking left notable traces, but here was a strange old woman who didn't speak a word of bloody English looking at him like the biggest snitch of all. "Just tell her, yeah, but this isn't the time." he said, grimacing with an inhale of pain as the woman patted the wound. What the hell was her problem? Sam's jaw was clenched tightly as he clutched his forehead between his fingers in thumb, as if to alleviate a headache. "You do whatever the fuck you have to get out of a situation alive, and unharmed. Or is your pride more important than your life..." he said, his voice growing more terse and rigid as he sharply inhaled through his nose as his eyes narrowed into daggers as he stared back at Vera, refusing to back down. "Was it worth Shay taking a goddamn bullet? The fuck did he do to deserve getting shot?" Suddenly, Sam's hands shot up, fingers curled like upturned claws, shaking with rage. "Do you ever think of anyone but yourself, huh? Do you bloody think that maybe your stubborn shit drags others into your muck, Vera? More and more, we've had to do everything to keep you out of harm's way. Your carelessness forced Shay to kill several men. Then he had to act as a bodyguard. Then we had to put what little fucking money we had saved for everyone's pay down for the next two weeks on this place, and the day you move in, this happens! What is going through your head, Vera? Tell me, before it's too late and you are found dead and brutalized with another one of my friends right beside you!" he was beginning to shout, the veins in his neck and head bulging as he punched his fist hard into the kitchen counter, prompting everyone to stop what they were doing and look back, alarmed.