[hider= Lei] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Lei Caiazzo [color=ed1c24]Nickname:[/color] Leila , Medusa [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color]20||[color=ed1c24]Height:[/color]6'1||[color=ed1c24]Weight[/color]: 136| [color=ed1c24]Biography/Personality:[/color] Living with 6 years as a morph, Lei truly has accepted her form. She misses her old life, close family and friends, holding even to the smallest of memories. Being taken away suddenly in a large crowd was the last moments she remembered as a human. Scared restlessly, she fought whatever that came near and reacted to the smallest things moving, until she got the hang of things. Fear turned into a burning hatred for the hunters. She is diabolical in planning if she spots a hunter, claiming to give them something worse than hell. If she find other morphs, she watches over them until they take notice of her. Times in which that happens, unless it seems threatening, she would communicate with them. Lighten up the mood and keeping it simple is how she works with things until the adrenaline rushes in. [color=ed1c24]Morph[/color]- An uncommon morph of a pitviper. Suddenly had patches of scales and patterns pop up all around the body, only noticed as freckles until you look somewhat closely. Her tongue also being more forked up as for her to use her sense of smell in tracing things/people. Her hands and feet had become sensitive to vibrations n tracking people, but a change in her eyes had weakened her sight. [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color] [img]http://bglhonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Sabina_Karlsson.jpg[/img] Generally wears a parka that already covers half her face with a scarf, while wearing a decorated mouth mask. Though its already humid, she insists on the extra layers. In case of having to run, she always has some shoes and yoga pants. [color=ed1c24]Specialization/Skills:[/color] After watching too many action movies, Lei would decide on taking on fencing, gymnastics, and martial arts classes as a young child. As her new instincts kicked in, her defense and attack had been improved. [color=ed1c24]Health Issues:[/color] Eyesight has weakened as to a burrow snake since "safe areas" to her are close to zero on the scale for decent lighting. Her eyesight is a disturbance when dealing with hunters, as most is done by feeling. [color=ed1c24]Other:[/color] Tamed her own Burmese python as to try to cope with her loneliness. . [/hider]