[center][h1][color=EF5C86]Genevieve Dupoit[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][center][color=EF5C86][b]Location:[/b][/color] Personal Shuttle[/center][hr] All was going well, she thought. What could go wrong, she thought. Then, of course, her shuttle decided that of all the times to break down, it was this time. Though she made it a priority to never swear, she felt that if any instance she was allowed to, it was this. [color=EF5C86]"Oh, [i]Wong Ba Duhn[/i]"[/color]. She grabbed the controls and tried her best to pilot the ship and regain control, but it was to no avail. She was not Gideon, she knew nothing of repairs. Her best bet was to pilot the ship to the best of her ability and crash somewhere relatively safe. She went on her comms to send out a message to her crew again, [color=EF5C86]"This is Genevieve. My shuttle has decided to break and I am currently plummeting towards the planet below. I will try to land safely, but any help that can be sent would be greatly appreciated."[/color] Her tone was somewhat neutral, but one could tell the tense feeling behind it. She swore again, in her head this time, and tried to pilot the shuttle to land somewhere. If she died here, she hoped it would be quick.