Jessica stepped lightly off of the ramp and onto the surprisingly clean ground. For a planet currently in what was best described as a civil war, it was still remarkably clean. Jessica scanned the surrounding area calmly and ignored the passing clergy and pilgrims. Her spy mask fed her various bits of data about the environment. Fair temperature, low winds, good atmosphere. No psychic disturbances to be seen thus far. Everything seemed to be relatively normal outside of the civil war taking place. Jessica briefly glanced at the Adeptus Arbites vehicle moving by and quickly returned her gaze to the Sister Superior who was speaking. Jessica's Exitus rifle was slung across her back snugly, and her Exitus pistol holstered on her left hip. The two small bands of bullets twinkled gently in the soft light provided by the nearby star, and the inquisitional pendant that hung around her neck gleamed gently along with them. Outside of that, Jessica reflected no light. The stealth suit she wore absorbed and dissipated it, leaving next to no reflection. Taking a deep breath. Jessica noted no abnormal smells to be had and overall judged the current situation to be fairly normal. Jessica checked various corners and shadows for anyone who might be lurking nearby, and currently saw nothing. Switching the view modes of her spy mask to thermal and nightvision Jessica checked again and once more saw nothing that would provoke a response. Returning the mask to normal view Jessica merely waited for the conversation to progress. Jessica didn't speak much and thus had nothing to add to the conversation. Merely waiting until it was over or the inquisitor and his retinue, which she was a part of, were given instructions or orders. When the Sister Superior turned toward one of the Adepta Sororitas rhino transport vehicles, Jessica followed the inquisitors lead. Once everyone began to board the rhino transports Jessica wouldn't be far behind. Sitting gently next to the Inquisitor or Sister Superior Jessica removed her rifle from her back and placed the butt of the weapon upon the smooth metal floor of the rhino. This allowed her to sit far more comfortably and it kept the weapon in a much more accessible position should the transport come under attack. Now Jessica could do nothing but wait. It wasn't hard for Jessica to accomplish this since most of the time assassination targets took quite a while to appear, though it was the least enjoyable part of the job. Jessica listened to the Inquisitor and the Sister Superior exchange various tidbits of information and made her own mental notes about the situation as well. Still keeping quiet, Jessica noted that the inquisitor believed the cult to likely be khornate in nature with the possibility of Tzeentch being involved and that the Inquisitor doubted that either Nurgle or Slaanesh were involved. Jessica made a personal note then that Slaanesh could possibly have more involvement than the Inquisitor first assumed due to the presence of usually forbidden activities like drinking and festivals. Though obviously she didn't dare to challenge the inquisitor's assumptions without solid proof. When the Inquisitor paused to remind Jessica and the rest of the retinue that they would be free from harm while he was here, Jessica almost sighed. The small pendant around her neck marked her as an agent of the inquisition and guaranteed her safety from any imperium loyal forces while it was present. The others, however, would probably find themselves assured by this statement. The Inquisitors request for a Rhino to sleep in brought some curiosity from Jessica. He believed that someone was already hunting him? Jessica knew of some of the internal strife that the Inquisition had, but the Inquisitor was still freshly appointed and even though he was a radical he had yet to actually perform anything that was largely out of line for any inquisitor. Regardless. Jessica knew that it was her job to keep the Inquisitor safe from harm, and since Vindicares were often regarded as some of the best assassins in the entire galaxy this would be a relatively simple task. Anything that any would-be assassin would try Jessica would already have considered. Only if the Inquisitor went rogue did he truly have to fear.