[center] [img]http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee407/ATattooedGirl/Post%20Banners/Shadow%20Ridge%20Wolf%20Pack/Denali%20Wolf%20Head%20Post_zpsfzpkj0nb.png[/img] ♛ Trevor ([@Polaris North]), Anum ([@GhostWing]), & Chinua ([@The ElvenQueen]) ♛ [hr][/center] Denali dipped his head towards Trevor respectfully, flashing a toothy grin his way before he turned his gaze back to his mate. His smile softened even more and he nodded. [color=#5D6D7E][b]"It's settled then. Would you mind helping Anum if she needs it?"[/b][/color] Denali noticed Anum submit before him, his heart dropping into his stomach. Even a year later and he still wasn't used to being submitted to. [color=#5D6D7E][b]"There's no need for that, my friend. We're equals. All of us. I know it's hard to get used to the way I run things, compared to the Alpha before me, but.. I hope in time you'll be able to accept it."[/b][/color] He gave Anum a soft, friendly smile before turning away, stopping again as he saw two blurs pass. Robin took off with her patrol partner, Denali managed to call out after her, [color=#5D6D7E][b]"Be safe!"[/b][/color] Turning back to Chinua, he stayed close to her side and helped her every step of the way walking towards the river. He knew how much it frustrated her to be walking so slow, so a couple of times he playfully stepped twice as slow as her and called to her when he began to fall behind, [color=#5D6D7E][b]"Wait for me, I have widdle wegs!"[/b][/color] He chuckled softly and sped his pace up to match hers again, only doing it twice before sticking to her like glue, fearing him not being there at her side would be the cause of something happening. Denali looked up from his mate to see that they'd grown fairly close to the water, his tail began wagging happily. [color=#5D6D7E][b]"We're almost there, momma. Stay with me."[/b][/color] He gently nuzzled her neck and walked in tune with her.