[b]ZYXON[/b] Zyxon was swimming down the river, full from the piranha's he had just eaten. It was at times like these he was able to just relax, unless trouble showed up, which for him was rare, Hunters often were not properly armed to hunt him since spotting him was rare most days. He would come up for the river only to watch passing creatures and set puddle traps. He knew he would need food again soon, so he slowly swam over to a capybara for a prelunch snack. Grabbing it he electrocuted it and pulls its stunned body underwater to kill and save for later. After which he goes up to check for any thing going on nearby. He hears the thud of the fortress who's name he knew from a hunter he fought towards the end of his morph, though because he still had some humanity he didn't kill the man, just stunned him and took his weapons. His instincts were telling him it was best to avoid fortress, so he did and sunk back down into the river to find somewhere to rest. _______________________ [b] ALEX [/b] Alex told himself that he was was going to be fine, that this all just a really realistic dream and he'd wake up soon. But maybe that would be just as bad. He was about to be evicted from his apartment with no job and family that wanted him to just become a functioning part of society, which he hated. So actually he wanted this to be real. As he came to realize this the truck came to a halt and he bumped into the person next to him. Then some man with a loud voice yelled "Get up and move it" not wanting to really to deal with the being dragged out or hit in the back like he could hear others dealing with, so he quickly walked out, And was then forced to his knees. [color=0054a6]"If you wanted me get on my knees you couldve just asked. No need to be rough"[/color] after that he got hit square in the jaw and fell over. Who ever that was had a nice right hook. [@Life]